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02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com


英语作文邮件格式?英语作文邮件格式,求一篇英语email范文!Dear Jack, How is everything going ? I am writing to tell you that I have found a new job in a bank, which is located in the...

英语电子邮件作文?如何写英文电子邮件 一、文法上 1、切忌主客不分或模糊 例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment....

关于电子邮件寒假补课的英语作文?关于电子邮件寒假补课的英语作文,在补课的日子里作文:Yesterday was Friday afternoon, we went home remedial math teacher, on the road, I met my original class of stud...

英语作文里电子邮件的格式是什么样的?英语作文里电子邮件的格式是什么样的,写英语信件的格式是什么:格式:用户标识符++域名 其中:是“at”的符号,表示“在”的意思。 以下三部分构成电子邮件: 第一部分“USER”代表用...

英语作文发一封电子邮件?英语作文发一封电子邮件,寒假开设传统补习班现象800字作文:Hi,dear students and stuff: First of all ,I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year. Upon the celebration of...

英语作文电子邮件?Dear Phill: I'm sorry to disturb you to reading my e-mail.Here ,I'd like to say something about our trip to on Christmas。 At first ,we hope you can dispatch a...

英语电子邮件作文有汉译250子?To:Subject: University of new term plan Dear teacher: Summer vacation in the past, the new term is coming, I will with new spirit into the new term. First of al...

英语作文电子邮件急!不用太长?Dear Mum and Dad, How are you? I have arrived in Shenzhen at Saturday afternoon by train, everything is OK. My aunt picked me up at the train station and took m...

一封电子邮件英语的作文五句四年纪?Dear Lisa, You asked me my idea about traveling. Now I'd like to tell you about it. In my opinion, traveling is a good activity. It is good for our health. We c...

