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05月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com


关于大学生兼职的英语作文?大学生兼职Currently, more and more university students work part time during class time. On the one hand, some argue that universtity students should not take p...

求一篇关于打暑期工兼职后的感想的作文?8月5号, 我开始了我暑期社会实践,. 在学校里经常听老师说工作是如何如何难找,如今我是感同身受啊,找了好几天终于有一家电子公司同意收我了,虽然和我所学专业关系不是太大,但...

希望有英语能力的帮我写一篇关于兼职的作文?My Parttime Job I am working in an international company. My work language is English as I have to discuss problems and make reports in English. I have to say m...

关于帮写一份暑假兼职幼教的英语作文英语看清请用您的英语?I had a forgettable part time job in my summer holidays. One day I found a job wanted on the Internet for caring for some young children whose parents were busy...
