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05月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com


商务英语会谈中如何介绍谈话轮廓?无论是什么谈话,在开始时总要大概介绍一下谈话的轮廓,就象作文的主题纲要一样,本文就教给大家一些商务英语会谈时可以参考的谈话轮廓用语。 1. Before I begin, lets make it c...

英语销售商务会谈?Sales and business talk A: I'm sorry to say that the price you quote is too high. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales if we buy it at this price...

商务英语会谈时可以参考哪些谈话框架用语?1。 Before I begin, let's make it clear that it's only a casual talk。 在开始前,我先说明一下,这只是个非正式会谈。 2。 To begin with, I'd like to make a brief intr...

商务英语谈判开始会谈的日常用语?Now that we are all here, lets begin the talk, shall we? 现在人都到了,咱们开始,怎么样? What do you think if we begin now? 我们现在开始,好吗? If you dont mind, I thin...

求英语话剧四人演的?英语话剧四人演的,四人英语话剧:六人英语话剧剧本A Beautiful Trap 完美陷阱两位女大学生出去找兼职,却被欺骗。CastGwen: Senior high school studentRita: Mom / Customer...


关于卖衣服的英语对话!四人对话!?关于卖衣服的英语对话!四人对话!商务英语口语考试:对话:请问有什么可以帮助你? Hi,how are you today? Can I help you? 我只是随便看看。 No,I'm just looking. 请随意。 (一般没...

英语四人情景对话要四级左右水准字数不要太少?在各种对话中通用的英语句子:四级的对话词汇也不是多难,很多都挺简单的。看看下面两片吧,第二篇有点难度 Amanda:Hi, Jack. This is Amanda. How are you doing lately? Jack:N...

求四人英语情景对话带翻译不要太难?A: Hi, you just have had the college entrance examination, don't you? (你们刚e79fa5e9819331333262363033结束高考不是吗?) B:Yeah, to my disappointed I didn't do very...

一段四人表达疑惑和提出解释的英语情景口语对话?A:Good afternoon. B,C,D: Good afternoon. A:How is going on today? B:I got lots of homework and I don't know how to do it. The worst is that I need to hand up it...
