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02月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com


求一篇800字以上的美丽心灵的英文观后感?求一篇800字以上的美丽心灵的英文后感英文名著后感英文版最少800字:The story is based on the life of John Forbes Nash, Jr., a mathematician and Nobel laureate wh...

英文800字读后感?I've just fininshed reading the first 4 Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and they're just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Eve...

急求一篇800字左右的外国名著读后感要英文的上搜不到的!?Published in 1847, WUTHERING HEIGHTS was not well received by the reading public, many of whom condemned it as sordid, vulgar, and unnatural--and author Emily B...

安徒生童话读后感900字英文版?安徒生童话后感900字英文版,求一篇英文的外国名著后感800词高中水平:This summer holiday, I read a book called Andersen Fairy Tale. The book has many interesting s...

