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03月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com


我的篮球梦英语作文?我的篮球英语作文,写一篇以My dream为题的英语作文加汉语的:期待了许久的篮球赛终于来临了,我那颗雀跃的心直向篮球场飞奔。其实,这并不是什么篮球大赛,只是我们班与兄弟班的一...

介绍篮球英语作文精选?你写过关于篮球英语作文吗?以下是小编为你整理的关于篮球英语作文,欢迎阅读。 作文一、 My forite Sports is basketball. It looks so cool in TV that I was crazy about...

英语作文我爱打篮球60个字?英语作文我爱打篮球60个字,求一篇喜欢打篮球英语作文大学水平急急急啊!I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our health.As for me,I like...

英语作文:学校将要举行篮球比赛要你写一篇通知?英语作文:学校将要举行篮球比赛要你写一篇通知,关于篮球赛的文案怎么写:Dear Students: We will have a basketball season from the next Monday, which is 1st April to 1st...

我有一个篮球梦励志英语作文?You know what I love most? Let me tell you: basketball is basketball! Appeal to me too big. In 2004 December, when I first saw NBA basketball match. The Spurs o...

用我的梦想篮球明星来写一篇英语作文?You know what I love most? Let me tell you: basketball is basketball! Appeal to me too big. In 2004 December, when I first saw NBA basketball match. The Spurs o...

英语作文the love i dream of?我爱我的梦想 认字的时候,我有一个梦想。我希望拥有一个篮球;当我抱着篮球的时候,又想要一个足球;当我踢着足球的时候,排球又成了我的追求。再一个有一个的梦想变成现实的时候,我...

关于四季的英语作文?关于四季的英语作文英语四季作文!春天,大地恢复一片生机,花开了,像一个个娇气的小公主,它们有的绽开花朵,有的含苞欲放。 夏天 ,烈日当空,同学们有的在操场上打篮球、有的在树下做游...

关于篮球和科比的英语演讲稿?Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978(1978-08-23)) is an American All-Star shooting guard who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Assoc...

急求一篇关于篮球的英语演讲?Basketball is a team sport involving two teams, each team played five players. Purpose of scoring the ball into the other basket, and prevent access to the ball...
