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02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

下面是小编辛苦整理的关于“寒假英语作文80词左右”的一些推荐范文,主要包括:英语小作文寒假计划 80词左右,英语寒假作文我的未来 80词左右带翻译的,英语作文关于寒假等方面内容,值得借鉴。

英语小作文寒假计划 80词左右?原创……去旅行写生 My exciting plan for the coming winter break will be a trip to sichuan, to visit the world re-known tourist attraction, jiu sai gou. As an ar...

英语寒假作文我的未来 80词左右带翻译的?Ihaveawish,Iwanttobeadoctor.WhenIdieIwanttoseesomeonetohelpthem,butIcannothelpthem.SoIwanttobeadoctor.Icanhelpmanypeople,butnowIhavetostudyhardsothatitcanbeadoc...

英语作文关于寒假?英语作文关于寒假,十篇寒假英语作文 80词左右!my winter vacation Many children are always looking forward to the winter vacation; this is because during the vacation...
