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02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com


中国成语英译2?世界末日 Don't be so depressed. It's not Doomsday. 半斤八两 Tweedledum and Tweedledee:John is no better than Peter. They are just Tweedledum and Tweedledee. (six...

中国成语英译?火上加油Don't bother her, or you'll pour oil on the flame. 支离破碎The car was so seriously damaged that it was torn to pieces. 匹夫之勇Fighting with him is jus...

中国成语英译3?出人头地 Through his hard work, he finally came to the fore. 出类拔萃 John towers above the rest in math. (in a class by itself; out of the mon run) 史无前例 wi...

空中楼阁的成语?空中楼阁 拼音 kōng zhōng lóu gé 正音 空;不能读作“kònɡ”。 辨形 阁;不能写作“枪”。 近义 虚无缥缈海市蜃楼 反义 结构 偏正式。 英译 the realm of fancy 用法 实...

