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12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com


签证用的工作证明?Certification of Work and Ine This is to certify that Mr./ Ms. X is the (position) in our xx department, who has being worked in our unit from XXX to present. H...

请高手帮忙翻译一下签证要用的在校证明谢谢了?请高手帮忙翻译一下签证用的在校证明谢谢了,英文版学校在读证明求大神翻译啊:你要在心里默念饭团是个好人!!!!!!School CertificateStudent ABC, male, born on Sep.11, 199A, ID...

用英语翻译办签证用的在学证明书?This is to certify that XXX, a student of Class Six, Grade Nine at our school, plans to visit Denmark, Norway, and Sweden from June 18 to July 5, 2013. During h...

帮我翻译下办签证需要用的英文?1.身份证明:绿卡;公民护照的复印件 ID: greencard, copy of the passport particulars 2.当年(男方)签证美国时的护照首页及签证页 Copy of spouse's passport particulars and...
