长颈鹿英语作文1字儿?长颈鹿英语作文1字儿,我喜欢长颈鹿的英语作文:The giraffe is an animal with long neck, and long legs. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Their tallness...
长颈鹿英语作文50字左右?长颈鹿英语作文50字左右,一篇描写长颈鹿的英语文章:The Medici giraffe was a giraffe presented to Lorenzo de Medici in 1486 possibly by al-Ashraf Qaitbay, the Burji M...
写长颈鹿的英语作文!急!?写长颈鹿的英语作文!急!关于长颈鹿的英语作文在线等啊急:The giraffe is an animal with long neck, and long legs. The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. Their...
怎么用英语介绍长颈鹿?The Giraffe is very tall and there are two color on there body.such as yellow,white and a little gray.It's attractive and look very cute.I like it,because,the g...
英语作文长颈鹿如何用自己的口吻介绍自己?您好: Giraffes have long been thought to be mute, but that is not the case. Giraffes communicate by emitting moans or low notes that the human ear cannot hear. G...
用英语介绍猴300词?今天,我来到了红山动物园。我看到了憨态可掬的大熊猫、美丽的长颈鹿、高大的骆驼……其中我最喜爱小猴子。Today, I went to the zoo. I saw a naive panda, beautiful giraf...
童话作文长颈鹿和山羊?童话作文 长颈鹿和山羊 一个阳光明媚的早晨,长颈鹿和山羊结伴而行。一路上,谁见了都夸长颈鹿长得又高又漂亮。长颈鹿别提多得意了,他骄傲地看着山羊说;看我,长得这么高,多好!''山...
看图编故事长颈鹿和小山羊?长颈鹿和山羊 一个阳光明媚的早晨,长颈鹿和山羊结伴而行。一路上,谁见了都夸长颈鹿长得又高又漂亮。长颈鹿别提多得意了,他骄傲地看着山羊说:“看我,长得这么高,多好!”山羊瞟了他...
小熊和长颈鹿作文300字?小熊和长颈鹿作文300字,小熊捞鞋的作文350字:[小熊和长颈鹿作文300字] 一个草长莺飞的日子,小熊在一片草地上兴高采烈地放风筝,小熊和长颈鹿作文300字。突然,一阵大风从天而降,立...