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03月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com


英语课上课玩手机英语老师让写一个四五百字左右的英文!检讨?英语课上课玩手机英语老师让写一个四五百字左右的英文检讨,急需英文检讨书 500字关于上课手机响:检讨。。。。这。。。。。。。。凶残啊I am really sorry for being caught p...

英语没写完作业检讨书用英文写的100字?Universal review, do not change anything This makes a mistake, he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, oneself also very much regretted, very...

500字英文检讨?500字英文检讨讨书英语500:好多分数..接近500字太难了,心意到了就行了.是看小说然后老师要你写检讨。用英文写对吧 汉语: 我不对,我有错,我犯罪.我辜负了父母的期望,老师的教诲,...

英文检讨书关于上课说话?英文检讨书关于上课说话,跪求英语检讨:Dear teater: Today, I harbored guilt and remorse to you to write this Jiantao Shu to extend to you my speech class a profound...

一份英文字的检讨书?一份英文字的讨书,一篇英语期中考试后的反思500 600字:Dear teacher, 不好意思 我找了半天就这个.. 急!一份英文版的逃课讨书!好心人帮帮忙 I'm sorry for escaping class. M...

检讨书英语500?讨书英语500,500字英文检讨:the mistakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed t...

迟到检讨书800字英语版?迟到讨书英文怎么写?下面小编为大家整理的迟到讨书800字英语版范文,欢迎阅读借鉴! 迟到讨书800字英语版 Dear teacher: today, I with the feelings of guilt, regre...

英文检讨书关于口语课和同桌讲话还有看课外书?英文检讨书关于口语课和同桌讲话还有看课外书,求300字英语考试反思:This is a very deep inspection, I feel very ashamed for my mistake, I really should not pay attenti...

五百字英文宿舍卫生检讨书?五百字英文宿舍卫生讨书,求一个学生会晚上查宿舍不够严和卫生方面的讨书:i am so sorry to say that i fogot to clean our room.Today is my duty to do this job ,becau...

一篇关于逃课的英文检讨书?英文逃课检讨:Dear teacher, I'm sorry for escaping class. My English is poor , and have no base ,so I have no confidence at all .You are a kind teacher .Althouth...
