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08月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com


英语商务谈判对话实例精选?英语商务谈判对话实例(一) 今天Robert的办公室出现了一个生面孔――Kevin Hughes,此人代表美国一家运动产品公司,专程来台湾寻找加工。接洽的加工产品市运动型磁质石膏护垫,受...

常用商务英语谈判对话?常用商务谈判对话-介绍篇 (1) A: I dont believe weve met. B: No, I dont think we he. A: My name is Chen Sung-lim. B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith. A: 我们...

商务谈判情景英语对话?Dialogue 1: A: So, thank you for ing, everyone. Its really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take a look at the agenda i sent you?...

商务英语谈判情景对话?(1) A: Ill call you next week. B: Do you know my number? A: No, I dont. B: Its right here on my card. A:我下个星期会打电话给你。 B:你知道我的号码吗? A:不知道。...

英语商务价格谈判对话怎么写?进口商;dear sir,our FOB Shanghai propose price for dry grape today is nine hundred eighty five US dollar per ton.进口商:my goodness,that was above our buying pric...

初级英语商务洽谈对话场白?即学即用的商务谈判情景英语对话Dialogue 1:A: So, thank you for coming, everyone. It's really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take...

商务合作谈判情景对话?以下是本站职场英语网站为大家提供的一个商务合作谈判的情景对话,希望大家从中学习一下商务英语词汇及句型表达技巧。 布莱克: Well, Mr. White, weve settled everything in...

商务三人英语谈判对话关于取消旅行提出建议?人物:alex sujan,julia abdu,cara lee. alex 买家,julia 是供应商manager,cara是manager assistant. 地址:in supplier's meeting office 供应商会议室 J:very nice to meet yo...

寻商务谈判的英文对话?商务谈判的英文对话,初级英语商务洽谈对话场白:A. I just recieved your new catalog, and I'm wondering if we get a sample of one of your products. B.That's no probl...

急!关于卖衣服的4人英语对话?急!关于卖衣服的4人英语对话,寻求商务谈判的英文对话:A: Jenny B: Carren C Helen 一起逛街购物,D是商店导购 D:What can I do for you,Miss? (请问你需要什么吗?) A:Thank you,I wa...
