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02月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com


英文翻译在校证明?英文翻译在校证明在校证明翻译!要地道点的!在校证明英文翻译: may 1, 2013(此处应打上开立证明的日期) certificate of an enrolled student ('证明'一词应为:certificate) this is...

求英文翻译在校证明?在校证明英文翻译: may 1, 2013(此处应打上开立证明的日期) certificate of an enrolled student ('证明'一词应为:certificate) this is to certify that miss xxx, female, stud...

在校证明英文求翻译?在校证明英文翻译在校证明英语翻译:Certificate of Current Study StatusThis is to certify that __________ , female, born on _____________, has been enrolled in ou...

在校证明英文翻译?翻译如下: The school certificate This is to certify that student XXX, female, student number XXX. This student has been enrolled in the four-year undergraduate s...

求准确用英文翻译一下这份高中在校证明谢谢办美国签证用?求准确用英文翻译一下这份高中在校证明谢谢办美国签证用,如何翻译大学在读证明有中文版要英语版:CertificationDate: 29 May 2018To whom it may concern,This is to certify...

请高手帮忙翻译一下签证要用的在校证明谢谢了?请高手帮忙翻译一下签证要用的在校证明谢谢了,英文版学校在读证明求大神翻译啊:你要在心里默念饭团是个好人!!!!!!School CertificateStudent ABC, male, born on Sep.11, 199A, ID...
