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04月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


英语情景交际选择题?英语情景交际选择题,英语口语交际选择题:1. will you please go and empty that drawer? --___A__ A what for (做什么用呢?或为什么呢) B how come(怎么回事) 2. no, i;m afraid h...

情景交际法用英语怎么说?我大学毕业论文写的就是《情景教学法在中学英语教学中的应用》,当时,情景交际法,导师给我定的题目用的是Situational Teaching Approach 常用的八大教学方法: 自然教学法( The Na...

中考英语如何考查情景交际?□中考连连看 情景交际是历年中考常考内容,涉及听力题、单项选择题。 ———__________! Let's ask Daniel to go with us. A.That's OK B.No problem C.Good luck D.Sounds g...

英语的情景交际?1. could you spell math for me? 2.do you want to play basketball? 3. what colour is the pencil? 4.where is your computer? 5.do you like apples? 6.do you want to...

高考英语情景交际?came across 这里是偶然遇到 what's up吧?? 意思是怎么了, 发生什么啦 明显这里用What's up PS:what's up吧?? 意思是怎么了, 发生什么啦 "What's up?"和"How are you doing?""How's it...

初二英语情景交际填空!?1 May / Could I speak to Susan? 2 Can I take a message for you ? 3 When/ What time will your party start ? 4 Where is it going to have ? 5 Where is the restaura...

初一英语看图写话情景交际?从方框中选择正确的句子完成对话。(LiMingandJennyareatthePala.. 小学英语 ●当你询问对方职业时,你可以说:A.What'syourjob?B.Whataret.. 小学英语 ●从Ⅱ栏选出与栏I相对应...

初二英语情景交际题?B.Put some root in warm water. A. A hole as deep as root should be dug. F.Put the rose in the hole gently. D.Put some loose soil into the hole. E.Press down the...

七年级英语看图写话情景交际?31. 对 32. are busy cleaning 33. It's the best season to plant 34. 对 35. Who's the first to school 36和37都是对的 38. Jim paid 85 yuan for the T-shirt. 39. It'...

求初一上册的英语情景交际题越多越好!?I. Complete the dialogue with proper sentences.A: Hello, Mr. Howe. Welcome to our school.B: Thank you.A: 1____________________________?B: Yes, please.A: 2______...
