
Do I Really Need a Resume

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[Resumes for the Digital Age]When youre applying for a job, you work hard to make sure your resume will mand the attention of the first person who reads it. But its increasingly likely that...+阅读

The answer is simple YES!

Ever wonder why some of your friends seem to move up the corporate ladder faster than you? Ever wonder why your boss got his/her job, since you are so much smarter than him/her? The answer to these questions may be that they he better resumes than you (of course, your boss may also be related to the Chairman of the Board).

Assuming that the answer more likely is that your friends or your boss he better resumes, it seems wise for you to start there. More importantly, if you he a resume, your resume better be a good one, because it is peting with other resumes for the position you want.

If you he been sending out your resume and not getting interviews, you can certainly blame the resume.

Without a good resume, panies he no idea that you even exist unless you are invited to an interview by the hiring authority (who knows you from church) you may as well be invisible. We live in a market economy and you must learn to market yourself effectively and aggressively or suffer in a go nowhere job while your friends move on to new opportunities and brighter futures.

Now that you understand the need for a resume, the question is What makes a good resume? Anyone can type up words on a piece of paper or copy the resume of a friend who is also in a stinking job. A professional resume writer knows how to market your skills by choosing powerful, petitive, words and uses them strategically in order to trigger positive responses.

A professional resume writer knows how to highlight your experiences, skills, achievements, education, and acplishments and knows how to market you effectively with an individually designed resume.

A qualified professional resume writer is someone who understands that the objective of a resume is to get you interviews and to make you easy to interview. If you seek professional help, the MINIMUM qualification you should demand is someone with the professional credential of CPRW (Certified Professional Resume Writer), a highly exclusive designation obtainable only from the Professional Association of Resume Writers after rigorous testing.


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