
How to create a scannable resume

11月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[How to Create a Professional Resume]Your resume needs to be professional and polished, because if you don't he a professional resume, your application materials probably won't get a second glance...+阅读

How to create a scannable resume

More and more employers now request that you include a scannable resume when applying for jobs.

What is a scannable resume?

In 2000, up to 50% of large corporations scan resume into a puter database before calling applicants.

This means that your resume is seen by a puter first. And puters read resumes differently than people.

After these hundreds (or thousands) of resumes are scanned, hiring managers search the database using keywords that describe the job they抮e trying to fill. If your resume has enough of the keywords that the hiring manager is using, your resume will pop up during this search. Thus, your chances of getting a job interview will increase accordingly.

This is a growing trend that抯 expected to cover up to 80% of all panies by the year 2000, according to one report.

To format your resume and make it easier to for employers to scan, do the following:

Change the typeface to Arial (10-12 point type).

Eliminate all underlining, bolding, italics and graphics.

Ensure that your name is at the top of the page, as scanners assume that whatever es first is a name. If your resume has two pages, put your name and Page Two on the second page.

Include a keyword section after your name, on page one. This is a noun-intensive deion of your experience and skills.

Example keywords: manager, managing, management, BS puter Science, mainframes, programming, programmer.

See example keyword resumes in our resume templates directory.

Use a high quality laser printer.

Print the resume on white paper.

Attach two pages with a paper clip - never use staples.


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