
求英语专业社会调查报告一篇 300 400字急需

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语专业社会实践报告]欢迎浏览,fanwen51小编为你提供的一篇关于英语专业社会实践报告! 记得当知道疯狂英语在我们学校招暑假夏令营助教时,我的心情是顿时喜悦了起来,因为自己终于盼到了这样一个机会...+阅读

Home Tutoring Home Tutoring I am glad to meet all of you here today. First, let me introduce myself, my English name is Charles. The topic I will discuss is about home tutoring. Nowadays, children in China often get help with schoolwork from parents, but many students today also get help from tutors. The numbers of tutors has increased greatly in the past ten years. A recent investigation shows that about 80 percent of pupils have tutors. People??s attitude to home tutoring is different. Some think of it positively. They hold this opinion, because home tutoring can helps kids to get over difficulties by reviewing old knowledge and preparing new lessons. Some parents choose tutoring because they worry that their children can not learn enough in school or their children may want more difficult work than their school provide. On the second hand, many parents, for different reasons, missed the chance of getting a good education, when their children meet with difficulties in study; home tutoring is the only solution. As home tutoring is usually one to one, He knows the strong points as well as the weak points of the pupil clearly. But every coin has two sides. Although the above view sounds reasonable, and others think of it negatively. From their point of view, home tutoring just can add a financial burden to parents and a heavy burden to children. Too much tutoring influences children normal study. Secondly, it takes up so much of the pupil??s time that they can hardly find enough time for rest and entertainment, which are essential for their physical and mental health. For another, some teachers, busy “shuttling” from one family to another, tend to neglect their teaching duties. In my opinion, home tutoring has both advantages and disadvantages. Moderate tutoring can help children to improve their learning, especially for those who lack the ability to study by themselves, but excessive tutoring may make children too dependent to solve their problems. Therefore, it??s advisable that we should seek help from tutors when it is necessary. Only in this way, our generation can be healthy brought up.


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