

04月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁帮忙写一份女装服装市场调研报告]我们与周围的环境 在今天的作文课上,老师给我们布置了这样一篇作文——我们与周围的环境,我想着文章的内容,不知不觉陷入了深深的沉思…… 那是一个星期天,我和妈妈一起到小区里...+阅读


Along with the constant development of my company, my personal capacity are also constantly upgrading and progress. This common growth years, I

Companies colleagues have feelings, my colleagues gave me a lot. I thank the leadership of the company to my culture and help. In this

Needless to say, I do how their own kind of work, work attitude of how kind, because you are my direct leadership, which you should be a very

Solutions, you can even get from the employees of my evaluation. I believe that, if paid, there will be harvested, so I mentioned to you

A pay increase request, now, my basic monthly salary is **** yuan, a difficult economic context, I hope that the leadership of the application can be re -


If the company's leaders believe that the work I am now content and quality also failed to meet wage demands, I sincerely hope that you can put forward

Valuable advice or recommendations, let me have a future efforts in the direction and objectives, the ability to upgrade themselves at the same time do a better job of work,

To moving toward even higher goals.

Please rest assured that if the company does not consider, I will still like before, with a positive, serious and responsible attitude to do a good job

Every one thing, and will not slow work, which is the accomplishment asked me I should do.

Thank you!


Dear Sir:With the continuous development of the company, my personal capacity are also constantly upgrading and progress. This growth in the years to come, they have to give me a lot. I thank the leadership of the company I cultivation and help. I was March 07 to the company, first of all, thank the company for their concern and attention. provide me with such a good work environment. I quickly into work, with colleagues, had since joining the company since xxxx, always full of happy feelings into work and studies to have been seriously, and strive to do the work perfect, the company's development of its due responsibility, because you are my direct leadership, which you should be aware of You can even from colleagues to get my evaluation. I believe that as long as pay, there will be a harvest, I give you a raise request I hope that the leadership of the right to apply for attention. If the company leadership that I now work content and the quality is not achieved wage demands. I sincerely hope you will make valuable suggestions or recommendations, let me have a future, the direction and objectives upgrading their skills at the same time will do a better job, to a higher goal. Please rest assured that if the company does not consider, I would still like before, with positive, a conscientious and responsible attitude to do everything, not to slack work, this is not my only pursuit. With best regards the applicant : XXX




建议大家可以先写一封简短的邮件跟老板约一个谈加薪的时间,参考例句:I enjoy working here and would appreciate your recognition on my contributions. Could you please schedule a time for us to meet within the next week or so? I have something important to discuss with you.


E: Good afternoon, Mr. Robertson. Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me.

Well, as you know, I&aposve been working here for about 3 years now, I really like this company. My job is interesting and the working conditions are generally pretty good.

B: I&aposm glad you feel that way. Whatever we can do that makes our workers happy is important to us.

E: Well, now that you mention it, there is one thing that will make my life a little easier. I haven&apost had a raise for two years.

B: Two years you say? Em……

E: Yes, and in that time ,I have had at least three performances with you that I&aposve all been excellent .You said I&aposm doing a great job here and I think my good work should be rewarded.


Another year passed by. Since December 2005, I have been working here, being responsible and committed, and trying all my best for the development of the company.

I hold the belief that I will get what I pay for. My monthly salary was raised from 3000 RMB to 3500 RMB, a raise of 500 RMB in recent six years per se.. Now rising prices and levels of consumption in Shenzhen are putting down high pressure on my living. Similar job to mine asks 4500 to 6000 RMB per month. Therefore I am asking for a 4500 RMB monthly salary. Please approve my asking at your mercy.


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