

08月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一篇英语作文题目my resume 150字]SERNENA SALVO 123 Bond Street + San Francisco CA12345+ (123)555-1234 ssalvobamboo.com OBJECTIVE: Account Manager QUALIFICATIONS Eight years' experience in Accou...+阅读


Business English communication is a professional international trade doors vocational skills classes, English as a means of communication for business activities also represent the graduates who work in the most widespread application of business English knowledge. After a semester of learning, I have basically mastered the international business English communications basic knowledge, the use of skilled foreign trade messages in the various language methods and formats, the correct use of professional terminology, from the establishment of business relations, credit investigation, the site, offer, counter-offer, orders, payment, transport, insurance, claims, settlements and other trade links to the letters of credit, invoices, bills of lading and other documents of the foreign trade of the production, and also included confirmation, agreements, contracts, etc. set. With China's accession to the World Trade Organization, as well as a growing number of enterprises to enter the international market, foreign trade practitioners social needs constant development. This vast number of job-seekers to create good jobs. Cross-border between different countries commodity trading. As a result of the transaction the parties belonging to two different countries or regions, and therefore engaged in such business activities more than domestic complex, difficult, and thus more challenging. This requires a solid business personnel in the basic knowledge and highly operational capability in the modern international business activities, the use of skilled foreign trade and business English knowledge of English letters. The class will study the contents of a full integration practice work.或:Dear Angus,I've received a request from a potential client, Mr. Lee, that he would like to take 10 samples and some brochures back home for a trial sale. Could you please contact him at XXXX-XXXX (phone no.) as soon as possible?Thank you very much for your attention.Best regards,XXX (your name)


商务英语可不像我们日常说话,在邮件里hum…um…and…you know...有可能耽误了大事。商务英语有商务英语的原则的和规范,比如7C要素,要是遵守相应的写作要点,不仅自己写得安心,也让对方看得舒心。 商务英语写作7C要素 Clarity 清晰 清晰主要是指写作的title要主题明确。一个meaningful subject line可以一上来就抓住对方的注意力。同时,行文的结构也要一目了然,邮件中全部使用bold font(印刷体),顶头对齐,方便对方的快速阅读。 Correctness 准确 在邮件中交代的事项要记住5W原则,when(时间)、where(地点)、who(谁)、what(事件)、how(如何开展)。每次写完邮件都要确认这个要素交待准确。 Concreteness 具体 不仅要交待5W,对于重要的事项还要具体交待。例如如果邀请对方前来参观,则要交待具体的日程安排是否确定,是如何确定的。

这些具体的内容可以让对方对你的活动有更深刻的印象。 Conciseness 简洁 在商务邮件中,上来要直奔主题,舍弃诸如寒暄温暖的文字。商场上分秒必争,与对方寒暄的时间或许能有更有价值的产出。 Courtesy 礼貌 虽然要保持简洁,却不能不礼数周全。写作时要保持一个好心态,Be kind. Don't flame.(心平气和)。同时要记得在文末要记得写上感谢和结束语。 常见的结束语有: Looking forward to hearing from you.=期待您的恢复。 I hope this information will help you.=希望我们的信息对您有益。 It's great to working together once again.=很高兴我们再度合作。 Completeness 完整 一篇好的商务英语邮件必须从邮件的标题、称谓、文章主干、结尾语,到最后落款,都必须要遗漏无余的呈现出来。写完了一篇邮件之后,不妨好好检查一遍文章结构是否完整。

Consideration 周全 考虑周全是体现作者素养的主要方面。商务邮件要以对方的阅读便利为宗旨,少放附件,简短篇幅,交待精准,同时给对方足够的时间查看邮件予以回复。这不仅是商务英语的内容,也是网上交流时的重要礼仪。...



1. 不断通过写作练习培养英语语法的应用能力,重视掌握有关词汇的用法,以便能运切实用有关语法和词汇去写作。这是英语写作的基础。

2. 通过大量阅读逐渐培养英语思维,并掌握一些写好句子的技巧,以便在把句子写正确的同时,不断培养用地道的英语把句子写好的能力。

3. 了解一些英语段落、篇章的组织和写作知识。所写段落与篇章均要力连贯(coherence)和衔接(cohesion)。篇章的用词和句式在文体上一般要保持一致(unity)


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写一篇英语作文题目my写一篇英语作文题目my,求:英文自荐信范文或模板:SERNENA SALVO 123 Bond Street + San Francisco CA12345+ (123)555-1234 ssalvobamboo.com OBJECTIVE: Account Manager QUALI...
