

01月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求:用英语写一篇申请世博会志愿者的信!][Your name] [Your address] [Your Town] [Date] Dear Sir, Shanghai Expo - Apply To Be A Volunteer I write to apply for a post to be a volunteer. I am 18 years old...+阅读

dear friends , welcome to enter our ***,all members of this program will send the best wishese to you ,we exspect that you will be happy on sundays and have a good time. there we will talk about something we are interested in ,share emotions and listen to free music,what's more ,many pieces of humous will make you happy! 朋友们欢迎走进我们今天的***我们衷心地希望多彩的节目能够伴你度过美好的时光


英语作文申请作外事活动志愿者Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you to apply for the volunteer work. I have read the requirements you have listed, and I am confident that I have the qulific...



英语翻译:以上是我作的调查报告未参加过体育活动的有百分之六The above is my report, did not participate in the sports activities of sixty-five percent, took part in the sports activities in thirty-five percent.Which does...

你阅读状况收获英语作文第一人称根据材料写第一人称英语作文 就所提供的材料,写一篇短文,用第一人称的语气,词数80左右。 一天,Mr. Li 让我来给大家做一次演讲,开始时有些紧张,但在Mr. Li的帮助和同学们的鼓励下,...

把希望带给贫困儿童的一份英语倡议书In some parts of our country, there are many children out of school. Because their family can't afford to send them to school. At the same time, children don't...

号召同学们暑假为贫困地区的孩子奉献爱心的英语倡议书Love of offer The spring is in birds' twitter nature flow of gold song son;The spring is the magic power that the boon grant tree to give nature;The spring is a...

英语报告的一段开场白帮翻译成英语谢谢Thank you Wang Di introduced us from writing, publishing, distribution and sales life cycle has shifted from the mode of propagation of a new modern model.Wang...

马上要主持个英语汇报表演!跪求开头英语!以及结束英语我是英语专业的 我们有一门课是 英语演讲与辩论 里面有专门的这方面的培训 让哥们儿给你来段标准的开场白 Ladies and gentelmen(这是比较客气的,同时也比较疏远,你做报告给家...
