

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[钳工实习报告的步走]钳工实习报告 六周的实习即将结束,至于总体的感觉只能用八个字来概括“虽然辛苦,但很充实”。由于选择了钳工,便不得不与锉刀打交道。从第一天的安全教育到拿起锉刀进行“实战...+阅读


1.In the first week, I learn much about the process of export.

2.In the second and third weeks, I practiced making the documents.

3.Only do we know well on the product we deal, can we be advantaged in negotiating with the customers of factory.

4.Through this practice, I walk out from the book to the real life, and know many things that cann't be learnt from the book.

It is in Fujian Quanzhou Foreign Trade Corporation that I have my practice. There are six import & export departments in this corporation, and I'm in department five. In this department, they deal several products, such as shoes, polyresins, bags etc, but the most are shoes. During this period, I exercise the process of export, making documents, and the production of shoes.

In the first week, I learn much about the process of export. Though it was taught much in school, without practice we could not make it clear what on earth they are and which part we must pay more attention to. It is impossible to learn it in detail in one week, so I just learn it on the whole. It contains several parts. At the first, we must send the samples to foreign customer.


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