

12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[开学典礼会议闭幕词]开学典礼会议闭幕词【一】 尊敬的各位领导、老师们、亲爱的同学们: 大家下午好! 新年的鞭炮声还在耳边回响,亲人、朋友的祝福还在耳边荡漾,春节的快乐仍洋溢在我们一张张灿烂的...+阅读

Distinguished [dstgwt] Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good Evening!

Tonight,We e to the end of this conference which we will cherish [teri] forever.

Please accept my congratulations on such a successful conference. I am very encouraged by the success of this conference. This event [ivent] has demonstrated [demnstreit] that International Culture is very important and interesting and we can all e together to share our resources, ideas, and thoughts). We he been listening to 3 presentations [prezntein]. To he such a program [pruɡrm] all in one day is a hey task but in this case it has been really worth [w:] the effort. It has been inspiring [nspar] to be here and listen to all the experiences [ikspirins] and viewpoints [vju:pint] that he been raised[reizd] from so many different parts of the world.

Thank you to the anizing[rɡnaz] mittee [kmiti]. all the guest speakers. On behalf of all the members of our anizing mittee, I wish to express [ikspres] our sincere [sinsi] gratitude [ɡrtitju:d] to all of you who he so actively [ktvl] participated[pɑ: tisipeit] in this conference to make it such a success.

These were truly excellent Conference!

And now, in accordance [k:dns] with tradition [trdin], I declare [dikl] the International Culture Conference closed, and I call upon the youth of the world to assemble [sembl] four years from now in London to celebrate [selibreit] the International Culture Conference.

Thank you!



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