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02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[坚定远大理想]敬爱的党组织: 相逢是美好的,相知是短暂的,两天的时光这么快就结束了,而我却得到了一生受用的知识和友情。在恽代英党校培训班的两天里,我体会到了充实和感动。在这里,我接受了党...+阅读

" Notre Dame cathedral "is a romantic but the again pitiful love story.The leading character Quasimodo is abandoned by his parents. and adopted by Claude Frollo .when he grow up, Frollo ask he to work as a bell ringers .although Quasimodo looks extremely ugly and deformity, he actually maintains one nobleness, chaste heart. suddenly one day, Claude Frollo appreciates to the gypsy girl's dance, lit in his heart buries already fire the long desire. Then he ordered Quasimodo takes esmeralda away. as Results the bow of the French king captain saved esmeralda and caught Quasimodo .He put the of bell ringers to the square, but the kind girl esmeralda send water to him. He was very grateful to esmeralda, and fell in love with her. esmeralda love at first sight to Phoebus ,the two French dating, Claude Frollo was quietly behind, with the sword out of jealousy, he killed Phoebus and ran away ,but esmeralda be sentenced to death because of murder . Innocent girl were hanged. Quasimodo angrily pushed Claude Frollo

down the church , then,he hugged esmeralda's body dead.



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