

05月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我写份检讨。]敬爱的老师: 好好学习,遵守校纪校规是我们每个学生应该做的,也是中华民族的优良传统美德,可是我作为当代的学生却没有好好的把它延续下来。就像很多中国青年都不知道有圣诞节,却...+阅读


Jian Taoshu Dear teacher: Hello: Today, I am with guilt feelings, to write this review. To express to you my determination and repentance, and only hope that teachers will be able to give me a chance to correct the error. I did not realize their own ignorance and lax, the school does not always listen carefully, I am led to the examination did not test well. Now I attach great importance to and from the heart on his condemnation of and reflect on their own. From them to find an error, inadequate investigations, profound reflection. I know, wrong is not important, it is important that in their fault, the right to recognize their mistakes, and know how to turn over their own, so I in the future, will be particularly stringent demands on themselves. Now I have to learn their own new demands. I certainly do not fall in the same place. To do things to stay the course, learning more, can not give up. I now have a deep understanding of its error, found himself shortcomings. Therefore, I would like to thank the teacher let me write the check, let me more deeply aware of its mistakes I hope the teacher can give me a chance, I will make efforts so that teachers and parents no longer disappointed. Please see my teacher's actions, and I will work hard to learn. Teachers, please do not angry. I see real action to! * * *

英语作文没考好 300字的反思怎么写










第一种写法:I am really sorry for being caught playing games on my cellphone during the English class.I have to confess that I was wrong then.I used to think that English is just like other option courses such as History and Politics. However,I realized that English is so important that I should spend all my heart on it. As people say that English is a useful tool that we should know how to use it in our everyday life.With the development of our society,people who can speak fluently English got much more advantages than normal ones. Here,I swear that I won't do this stupid thing again.I will try my best to study English so that I could become an useful man in the future. 第2种写法:Honorific teacher: Today, I keep in mind sorry and ashamed write down this guarantee certificate for you to say to you my bad behavior in hasing a class to play a cellular phone, profoundly the understanding corrects false decision! If this is the once very deep check, I am very ashamed with I making this time of mistake, I really should not not value teacher's words, I should not disobey a teacher, we are completely students and then should listen to the teacher's words, but I this time have no good value the teacher speaks of words.I feel very sorry, I hope that the teacher can forgive my mistake, I this of repent really deep. The person always makes the false, certainly I know also not the ability use this as and lend, we still want and as far as possible avoid false occurrence like this, hope the heart of that the teacher can believe my and repent."The person has already lost a hand, Ma You slips".My bad behavior is to carry on a challenge to the teacher's discipline.Absolutely is a mistake, the teacher's words is very correct, be want to make mistake a mistake also should not again you of the in front make mistake a mistake, I feel really very ashamed, how can so of...... The attitude that believes that the teacher sees me can also know that my affairs to this repented an attitude very profoundly, I so thus of value the affairs this time, hope the mistake that teacher can forgive me, I can promise to will 't definitely appear the figure of my cellular phone inside your view scope again from now on toward the teacher, also absolutely can't at have a class of time inside play a cellular phone again, can't let, either cellular phone at go to school of time inside switch on. If we are still students, there is no ability to the viewpoint that the words creation that the teacher speaks doesn't listen to, the only affair that can do of our student is thoroughly listen to a teacher and thoroughly study well, make the teacher able to trust, make the teacher able to trust. The affairs this time I really feel sorry, hope the teacher can forgive me, can approve the attitude that I admit mistake, I really have already profoundly examined oneself my mistake, please concern to take good care of my teacher's classmate to continue to inspect, help I correct weakness and obtain a greater progress! 自己可以删点












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