

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学五年级升旗仪式演讲稿1至2分钟内的]展开全部 甲:尊敬的老师 ! 乙:亲爱的同学们 ! 合:早上好 ! 甲:崭新的一周又开始了。 乙: 在期盼中我们又迎来这庄严而又神圣的一刻。 今天的升旗仪式由我们五年级 三班主持。 甲:...+阅读

MY Radio "when i was young ,i like to listen to the radio ,waitting for my favorite song,when they palyed i sing along ,it made me smile'. i think eveyone in our class konw the callssic english song. in fact,i surppose all of you in your yonth liked to listen to the radio.so did i.now i will intorduce to you my radio. the radio is the one that ibrought it at XXXXXX. That is in the time when i was first come XXXX univesity. beause of lack of television or computer,i want to buy a radio .one day ,when i walked along the XXXX,i found the radio among milions of googs. i decided to buy it . "how much" i asked "12yuan" 'what about 8" "no at least 11" "8" ''deal" so i brought the radio for 10yuan ,but it worth. from then om ,whenever i finished my home work or get back from library,i swiched it on .then a colorfull world appered beside my ears ,economic sport music...everthing about our life were invovled. i was angry at the curption of some govemoent offials,happy for the olinpic coming to beijing ,sad to the disaster of earthquick in wenchuan,moved by the ture love of human nature. As time grows older,i have my own computer.so it not very necessary for me to listen to the radio.but whenever i saw it in my desk ,it seems that i find a long lost friend. i aways believe in frindship.but what true friendshiop is,and ,wher it exist.it only exist when you fell lonly and want a comunicaton. why i lived ever fulld in the past XX years ,that is beause of this radio . thank you . 在你演讲前可以那个录音机播放下开头那首英文歌,《昨日重现》等大家朱丽丽集中的时候,你急uba他当做背景音乐,也可以关掉。

呵呵,到时候你一定会收获响亮的掌声GOOG LUCK



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