

02月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有关交流的演讲稿]读书,对我来说是一种享受,我想这种享受不是每个人都能体会的到。能享受到读书的乐趣依我看来也需要缘分。缘深,似乎成了书呆子,愚不可及;缘浅,开卷无益,掷书而茫然。 我所说的读书,...+阅读

A deep understanding, understanding and innovative consciousness

(1) the concept of innovation. Innovation is a social and individual life according to the needs of the development of innovative unprecedented things, or concept in the creation motive and showed the intent, desire and ideas. It is human consciousness of a positive and productive, is the manifestation of people's activity and create inner motivation.

(2) the main feature. Novelty, innovative consciousness and to meet the new needs of society, or in a new way to better meet the needs of society, the original innovation consciousness is the innovation consciousness. Social historical consciousness of innovation, by material and spiritual life level needs as a starting point, people's consciousness of innovation of creating activities and produce results should be created and human progress and social development, Innovation must consider social effect. The individual difference, people's innovation and their status and culture quality, hobbies, interests, etc, their feelings of innovation major role.

(3) to cultivate employees' awareness of innovation. First, staff training desire. And then, it is the innovation and learning. Secondly, cultivate curiosity. Will the flight period to period of curiosity knowledge transformation, this is curiosity and development on the important link of curiosity.



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