
初中九年级英语作文No pains no gains为题做一次肢体班会演讲

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我想一篇以年轻没有什么不可以为题目的300字演讲稿]年轻,就是赢了自信满满,输了依然自信满满的心态。 年轻,就是坐在阳光底下大声唱歌的情怀。 因为年轻,没人会嘲笑我们的幼稚,你可以不停地追问着傻傻的问题而人不感到疲倦。因为年...+阅读

Ladies and gentlemen, it's my honor to be here today to give you this speech. My topic is "the pains of growing up"When i was a child, I hoped to grow up immediately. However, having grown up, how I wish i were a child! Once we grow up, the carefree times have flown away and there are so many pains waiting for us!First comes the pains of studying. Exactly, studying itself is pleasant. What pains us are examinations and scores. We have to study those boring subjects and try to get high scores in exams. It's really painful.We also suffer from dealing with others. Sometimes we may find that some people are hard to get along with. Sometimes we may quarrel with intimate friends. Such things always hurt our feelings.Parents may bring us pains, too. We think they don't understand us. They forbid us to do what interests us and force us to do what we hate. They keep telling us what to do and what not to do as is we knew noting. They don't really care what is in our mind.Later, some may suffer pains of losing love, pains of working and then of suppoting a family.Growing up seems to mean endless pains,. So many people wish to return to childhood.But you know, that's impossible. We can do nothing but stand up and overcome them, even enjoy them and shoulder our responsibilities.My dear classmates, don't be afraid of growing up! Don't be afraid of pains. No pains, no gains. Only after tasting pains can we better enjoy sweetness and happiness. Let's grow up in pains, grow up from pains.Thank you!


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一篇英语作文要求如下以班会讨论彼此功课为主题写一篇演讲稿I used to be weak and ill.I couldn't go to school.I couldn't take part in the activities,either.I couldn't go out with friends,I often felt sad.My parents often...
