
求关于social etiquette的英语演讲

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com


China since ancient times, known as a "formal state the reputation of", in energetically advocate socialist spiritual civilization and the building of a harmonious society, civilized, polite is every citizen must have social morality. And we college students into the society after more avoid interacting with people, so the opportunity to study social etiquette, improve the etiquette training is particularly important. Keywords: etiquette training manners of the college students With the progress of The Times, of interpersonal communication is more and more frequent and close, as a communication makes the lubricant etiquette is important. Exquisite manners, follow etiquette, can be an effective way to show a gentleman, grace and charm, better reflect a person to other people and to social cognitive level and respect degree, so that individual knowledge, accomplishment and value was recognized by the society and respect. Moderation, and appropriate etiquette, can not only give the public amiable, cooperation, can be worthy of the trust and communication, and will make the desire and the public with harmony and successful cooperation process. Etiquette is good moral cultivation form of good moral character, is also one of the important ways to develop, good moral quality need polite way to reflect. Etiquette can be divided into several parts, personal the etiquette and the social etiquette, dining etiquette, and so on.


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