

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[第一次写辩论赛策划书这么写]我是我们学校辩协的,曾经写过一份策划,主要是内容写清楚就行了。 首先要设定好比赛的辩题、时间和流程,(如果是初赛,好多组参赛的话,多设计几个辩题,先抽签抽辩题,然后定初赛的时间...+阅读

love can make everything possible even money, but money can only make fake love. Because of love, the people in trouble can get help from the world. All hands from the world may help to connect large amounts of money for a patient or handicapped. we prefer to get love from our parents, many children in rich family are not happy because their parents can give them nothing but money. many marriges end in failure because it didn't based on love but money at the very beginning.


一篇英语作文要求如下以班会讨论彼此功课为主题写一篇演讲稿I used to be weak and ill.I couldn't go to school.I couldn't take part in the activities,either.I couldn't go out with friends,I often felt sad.My parents often...

辩论赛的评分准则首先问下你这是什么类型的比赛,参赛对象是谁?这评分准则就是请几个5个评委(最好五个),请有经验的,由他们打分,少数服从多数就行附细则:A、团体评分细则 一、立论陈词评分标准(15分):论...

给些辩论会评分标准!一、 参赛队整体评分 1、 参赛队整体分满分200分,由评委依据以下评判内容给定。 2、 评判内容 (1) 参赛队整体精神面貌良好,整体配合默契。 (2) 辩论角度准确,观点鲜明,剖析透彻,辩词...

辩论赛的评委如何打分据我所知,辩论赛的胜负,取决于评委的投票, 每个评委,只能,也必须,在正反双方中选择一方,投给他认为应当获胜的一方一票,不管他认为双方表现是100:0也好,是51:49也好,都是一票 最后,当然...

辩论赛评分项目主要有哪几项一、组委会将聘请评委对本次比赛进行评议。每场比赛的点评嘉宾不参与比赛评分。 二、评分标准: 1、 团体分,共300分: (1) 按辩论阶段评分,计200分。陈词:30分:攻辩:40分;攻辩小结:20分;...

辩论赛的计分方法1.主持人开场白 1分30秒 2.介绍代表队及选手 50秒 3.介绍评委及嘉宾 40秒 4.主持人宣布比赛规则 40秒 5.正方立论 2分 6.反方驳论 2分 7.在主持人主导下,辩论双方自由辩论 8...

关于英语演讲:3分钟演讲稿内容积极向上短小精悍How to Improve MY English Learning English can be a very difficult task for most people, this is because we don't live in a environment where we are forced to s...

谁可以提供一些短小精悍的英语演讲文章啊!一定要求是300400词的罗素 On Love Is it better to be the lover or the loved one? Neither, if your cholesterol is over six hundred. By love, of course, I refer to romantic love -- th...

求一篇短小精悍的英语演讲适合初二Practice Makes Perfect 熟能生巧Practice makes perfect. It means that after you have plenty of practice in what you are doing, you will be perfect in it. He who...
