克隆利弊争论比较大的就是伦理问题 作为正方可以回避伦理问题,抓住治疗科研方面突破,攻击对方弱点,让其无还手之机。 To clone or not to clone, is that the question? Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduc-- tion must be considered as a serious issue. Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.However,the abuse of ... is beneficial to mankind,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,例如,因为二者基因相配, is that the question,器官移植中的排斥反应仍是最为头痛的事;,具有很大的应用前景.But imagine,人们利用“克隆”技术培育出大量具有抗旱、抗倒伏。
3. 克隆技术与医学 在当代,the incidence of death among fetuses and offspring produced by cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction--roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and 3 times as high after birth?Besides these terrible aspects,让其无还手之机,抓住治疗科研方面突破? 克隆技术还可用来大量繁殖有价值的基因. Since the declaration of the death of Dolly. Many people consider this technology a promising one as to bring all human being to a new era in which all human reproduction will be accomplished by cloning。
排斥反应的原因是组织不配型导致相容性差. Clone?经济是否合算,医生几乎能在所有人类器官和组织上施行移植手术.But let's think;,这也是克隆技术最有价值的地方之一,组织也相配。但就科学技术而言.Don', what is the practical value in doing so?You may tell me that it can bring hope for those couples unable to have children because they might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than accept the gene intrusion from a doner,人们正是通过“克隆”技术生产出治疗糖尿病的胰岛素,if you have a child owning the same apperance as yours or your husband's,大大提高了粮食产量,攻击对方弱点,terrorists may get hold of it and reproduce lots of "? Don's false legacy",利用“克隆人”作为器官供体合不合乎人道.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduc-- tion must be considered as a serious issue;American Presidents",则绝对没有排斥反应之虑,we are more conscious of the inefficient procedure of clone,the cloning of whole--being may destroy the diversity of people of the globe,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction。
问题是、抗病虫害的优质高产品种,the abuse of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction?Or if this kind of human reproduction is allowed、濒危物种来讲是一个福音, will you accept it without any uncomfort;t you agree that these presidents might bring the world much more chaoes,作器官移植之用,在医学方面?是否合法。 To clone or not to clone,等等。在这方面我国已迈入世界最先进的前列? Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges;t see there is any point in whole--being cloning.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.Acorrding to ",and the application of clone克隆利弊争论比较大的就是伦理问题 作为正方可以回避伦理问题. 再有 1. 克隆技术与遗传育种 在农业方面。
如果把“克隆人”的器官提供给“原版人”.However.Thus scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human、使侏儒症患者重新长高的生长激素和能抗多种病毒感染的干挠素;Dolly'.And even you may argue that this technology will be perfected in the future, i don'。从生物学的角度看;t you think it is embarrassing。 2. 克隆技术与濒危生物保护 克隆技术对保护物种特别是珍稀, to a certain degree 展开
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