
求一篇题为 my dream的英文演讲稿 2分钟左右

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于校园生活的英文演讲稿今晚就要最好3到5分钟尽量短一些]Good morning everyone , I feel very happy to talk about my school life. My school is so beautiful that I like it very much. My classmates are very friendly and...+阅读

My Dream

Everyone has a dream , it's not integrated if there isn't a dream in your life . However , most of us don't care enough about that, what we care is how to compete the present job quickly and how to handdle the problems stand in your way one by one .We are so tired that we have no much more time to care about our dream ,but as we all know ,everyone should has his dream no matter what he is or what does he do.

My dream is to be a good manager in a company ,it should not too big or too small. I like that because I want to be a successful man in my life ,I'm fond of the feel of success ,everyone want to be success ,it's the same with me.Being a manager needs a lot of abilities ,but the seed of being that person has been germinating since my childhood .I want to be a person not only in these old times but also now .To speak the truth ,I myself sometimes was always forget what i was doing , I may forget how to fouce my mind to the class,I cann't stop myself from thinking something has nothing to do with me .But now ,I can stand here to speak it to everyone that being a successful manager is my dream ,I have the courage to admit it , I am getting the ability to be that man ,I have the confidence to be a good guy .I ,myself ,always should be that kind of man ,and then I will be that man in the near future .

Then that's my dream I stand here speaking to everyone ,also i know there is always a long road to there ,but I will try my best with my confidence ,I will never give up no matter how hard it is , i know I will be that kind of man like the man in my dream ,I will try for the first time ,the seond time ,,,until I were that kind of man .

That's all ,I know ,now I'm sure you want to be that kind of man your mind .That's my dream ,that's my inner heart .



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