
跪求:英文演讲稿 4分钟主题:规划人生实现理想

02月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初中生演讲稿一篇]俗话说:“台上一分钟,台下十年功。”如果一个人很有成就,不是别人给予的,更不是从天上掉下来的。是靠自己的努力、勤奋争取的。才能主要来自勤奋学习是不可猜疑的。 每一个人的...+阅读

My name is XX, from XX. I scored unsatisfactory and did their desired universities. I think, either in the country on a first-class colleges, or to go abroad. If on a domestic university, it is a waste of time. So I chose to study abroad.

So I understand that New Zealand students through the Internet has more advantages. First of all, New Zealand is a multicultural country, a time-advanced level. Second, the students lower costs than other countries, more reasonable. Third, the weather and almost southern China. Therefore, I propose to the parents to New Zealand to study the wishes of the parents get the support.

From 06 to 07, I CIBT School of Beijing University of Technology to study for two years, I am learning is that I am interested in business management. Through this two-year study, as in the commercial, I later laid a foundation for learning.

Many schools in New Zealand, I chose the UNITEC Institute. UNITEC is unique in that the traditional university academic standards and polytechnics and technical advantages of combining vocational education. School in combining theory and practice for school concept, exploring the creativity of the students to continue to adapt to social change.

This year, China will host the Olympic Games in Beijing. , The eyes of the world gathered here. In particular, some businessmen in China, a huge potential market in search of business opportunities. Therefore, I choose to UNITEC Institute study marketing, I believe that this right after I returned employment development will be of great help. UNITEC particularly to the integration of theory and practical teaching methods, more determined my choice. Reading through UNITEC of Chinese students in the exchange, I understand MARKETING study very hard, I need to put more time and energy on top. Maybe I can not be like the other students on edge as the Edge Reading. But my parents understood my idea, I am willing to fully support the school.


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