

02月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[送祖国60周年演讲稿新的不要摘]光辉的足迹 60年,光辉岁月弹指挥间,60年,中华大地沧桑巨变。2009年,我们伟大的祖国迎来了她的60岁生日。 1949年,中华人民共和国成立了!饱经战争沧桑与落后苦难的中国人民终于重新...+阅读

Believed oneself will believe tomorrow friend, when you will win, you will be filling joyful and the fervor. Friend, when you are defeated, your surface brings to be depressed and to be worried. Regardless of Cheng Yubai, all already were yesterday.Then yesterday we might be called the history, then history also on testimony tomorrow, testimony future. Regarding successful you, whether listened to this kind of idiom “the real man not to raise the same year to be brave”.Indeed, yesterday was you happiest day, but you whether considered will cross tomorrow, considered will cross the future, yesterday forever all was yesterday, it does not represent today the achievement and magnificent.Therefore regarding successful you, should not be lax, is not extremely arrogant, is not arrogant, continues to maintain your diligently working zeal.Believes oneself, tomorrow victory will be able to belong to you. Regarding defeat you, yesterday were a lesson, perhaps yesterday was in your life an important class.The human grows frequently in the defeat, “the defeat is mother of the success”.Indeed, the human does not experience the wind and rain, also how can see the rainbow? The defeat is an accumulation rich experience opportunity, some people thank the defeat, because their success establishes above the. If for you an enough big paper, lets you not stop rebates, when you rebate to 57 time time, it achieved thickness is Earth's to sun between distance. This also tells us, accumulation strength. The success also is so, it all is from the little experience, even in a defeat accumulates, so long as we have the perseverance, has the will, then can certainly succeed. Delivers you a speech - - only to look for the method for the success, does not look for the excuse for the defeat.


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