

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮忙想一个演讲主题详细一点]你好! 一篇演讲稿供你参考,应该能给你启发。。。 同学们: 大家好! 我不是诗人,不能用漂亮的诗句讴歌我的梦想;我不是学者,不能用深邃的思想思考我的价值;我不是歌手,不能用动听的歌喉...+阅读

hello everyone ,i am glad to make a presentation here. my topic is my dream . I want to be a excellent adventurer when I was child. I believe that adventure is meaningful affair . I dream of of one day travelling arcoss every corner of the world and then write all of experiences into my memoirs. that must be very interesting !

thank you for you listening!


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