

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于狗的英语演讲稿帮我翻译一下谢谢了。]Hello everybody, I am pleased to stand here and start my speech. I like dogs. No matter what kind of dog. Dogs are a very insecure animals. Even if you walk alo...+阅读

Sports and Games

Around the world \millions of people \take part in different kinds of sports. Sports are perhaps \the most popular form of relaxation \that everybody can enjoy.

Some people seem to think that \sport and games are unimportant things. But in fact sports and games \can be of great value\ especially to people who work their brains most of the day. There are not only amusement.

Sports and games\ build our bodies and prevent us from getting \too fat. They keep us healthy. They also give us valuable practice \in helping the eyes brain and muscles \to work together. While playing the table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming\ judge and speed \and direction and pass the information on to the brain. The brain decides what to do \and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms legs and so on. Then the ball is met and hit back \where the player wants it to go. All this must happen in a flash, and only those\ who have had lots of practice \can do the successfully.

But all work and no play makes\ Jack a dull boy. We can relax and be stronger in sports, we can learn teamwork. That can only be\ learnt in sports.

So \let's go out and enjoy ourselves!

有一些间隔小的 、 稍微一顿就好 。


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