

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[实现人生的价值财政局爱岗奉献演讲]文章标题:实现人生的价值财政局爱岗奉献演讲 96年毕业后,我很荣兴地成为财政局系统的一员,有人问我为什么要选择这个行业?我的心告诉我:我热爱会计,更热爱财政事业,我为我的选择感...+阅读

A value of life in social relations determine the Life is always the community life, life, constrained by a variety of social relations. The value and meaning of life, not by individual assessment, but by the social relations measure. Personal and subjective, may be able to go according to the wishes of the evolution of life history of his life, but objectively speaking, the individual will to the extent of these lives could Sui Yuan is not a personal wishful thinking, constrained by many factors of social relations. The size of the magnitude of value 2 the value of life, from the realm of human values and the achievement of objectives to decide. Whether total social ideals consistent with the objectives, in order to achieve this goal has made contributions to determine how the individual members of the community's values, the magnitude of value the size of the individual members of society the value of life and social objectives of the dominant values incompatible. If the attitude of the total value of the achievement of social goals, or contrary to a passive non-cooperation. Is bound to result in: Value of your life has been the mainstream of social evaluation for low-value, worthless, or even a negative value, Their own ideals, or to lose the conditions, or blazing life and the pain and suffering, after the arduous struggle to achieve excellence. 3, the value of life and the magnitude of value to determine the increase or decrease, the results of hard work and personal life. The total value of social relations and social goals of individual members of society, the constraints of the value of life should not be construed as personal life, "fate." Life values of fatalism is the mysterious power to dominate and the materialist conception of history is quite different. Historical Materialism stresses the value of social relationships in life constraints, emphasized by the dynamic nature of life, great emphasis on people's initiative in the creation of value in life the indispensable role, no one positive hard work, and strive to achieve the spirit, it can not be valuable and meaningful life. The value of life includes self-worth and social value. A person from the community are met in order to obtain a favorable foundation for self-survival.



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