
求一篇关于 the happiest time of my life的英语演讲稿200字左右

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇演讲稿关于护士奉献]今天是你的节日-----白衣天使,在此特殊佳节之际谨用一首深情的诗歌来赞美和感谢你们------最可爱的人。 你们用对生命的爱 实践着南丁格尔的诺言 你们用温柔的话语 激励我们...+阅读


The happiest time of my life

Hello,everyone.Today,my speech topic is “The happiest time of my life”.As you know,nowadays our life has changed a lot .Everything is good in our life than before.So we will feel happy about something that is satisfactory.Everyone will have their own thhappiest time and they must be different.

As for me,the happiest time of my life is stay together with family at my hometown in some festivals.In the morning,we run togeter in a country road.and breath the fresh air.Then we have breakfast together ,chatting and laughing..After that ,my parents go to work,I read book with my grandparents and sisters.We ask each other the questions ,but my grandfather is always answer my questions correctly.He is a wisemen.And in the evening we sit under a big tree.My grandmother tells us some ancient legend.

So this is my the happiest time of my life.Because when I stay with my family I will fell very happy and relaxed.And no brawl,on fret,I can tell them anything,and we are equal.This time may be normal,but in my eyes it is the happiest time of my life.I really enjoy the family feeling.Let us put down our hands,spend more time with family and it will be the happiest time of your life.Thank you very much.



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