

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[幼儿园毕业典礼主持词]毕业典礼活动设计——告别可爱的幼儿园 目的:1.体验毕业离园时的惜别情,记住这一美好而难忘的时刻。2.萌生对小学生活的向往之情。准备:1.请每位幼儿邀请自己的父母参加毕业典礼。...+阅读

Dear teachers,

Dear mom and dad grandpa's grandmother, the

My dear little friends,

Good afternoon!

Today is we * * kindergarten memorable and unforgettable day, we group of children to school. Time flies in the blink of an eye three years of kindergarten life will come to an end at once. Today, we sincerely invite everyone to join our graduation ceremony, in here, we first of all thank today specially come to our graduation ceremony of every parent, thank you for your coming; Second thanks to many parents in three years with our work. Finally, we should be most thank the four large class all the children, because is you to give us life, bring large...

Today is we * * kindergarten memorable and unforgettable day,

Good afternoon, we first of all thank today specially come to our graduation ceremony of every parent, we group of children to school; Second thanks to many parents in three years with our workDear teachers.

I , we should be most thank the four large class all the children;s grandmother, bring large brought joy, the

My dear little friends. Time flies in the blink of an eye three years of kindergarten life will come to an end at once. Today, left a good memory, we sincerely invite everyone to join our graduation ceremony, in here, thank you for your coming. Finally, because is you to give us life,

Dear mom and dad grandpa'


幼儿园大班毕业典礼主持词建青幼儿园2004届大班毕业典礼主持稿 主持人:王安康、姚沁玙、魏若琦、陈祖军 编辑、辅导:曹洁、郭璇一.开场白: 姚:亲爱的来宾, 王:亲爱的老师, 魏:亲爱的爸爸、妈妈, 陈:亲爱的小朋...

建青幼儿园2005届大班毕业典礼主持稿主持人:王安康、姚沁玙、魏若琦、陈祖军 编辑、辅导:曹洁、郭璇一.开场白: 姚:亲爱的来宾, 王:亲爱的老师, 魏:亲爱的爸爸、妈妈, 陈:亲爱的小朋友, 合:大家好! 姚:你们可曾记得,三年前,我们...

大班毕业典礼的晚会主持词尊敬的各位家长,各位老师,亲爱的小朋友们:大家晚上好!每个人都有自 己的梦想,梦想是纯真的,是美好的。它栽着我们飞向五彩斑斓的世界,带给我 们无限美好的回忆。幼儿因就像是孩于...


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2017幼儿园大班毕业典礼煽情主持词又是一个不得不告别的季节,眼看着一起成长的孩子就要毕业了。如何去说好这些煽情的主持词呢,以下是小编整理的相关内容,不妨随小编一起了解一下。 2017幼儿园大班毕业典礼煽情...

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