[三年级作文多彩的夏天500字]小学三年级作文 多彩的夏天500字 夏天带着炎热悄悄地来到了人间,夏天像一位大画家,画了一幅五彩缤纷的图画送给了人们。她虽然不像春天那样生机勃勃、秋天那样果实累累、冬天...+阅读
the colorful world
look! how beautiful the world is! the air is so clean. and the flowers are all over the world. as long as you can see, there are trees covered on hills. you can not hear the noisy of the cars but singing of the birds . and people and animals live togther so harmoniously. unfortunatly, this is only the world in my dream.
六年级作文让世界充满爱的作文六年级作文 让世界充满爱的作文 我们每个人都应该有爱心,只要我们每个人献出一点爱心,就会让一个新生命重新站起来。 今天下午,我们开展了一次有意义的活动。武功乡有一个小男...
六年级作文恬静的世界六年级作文 恬静的世界 自从心脏不好以后,常听医生说:要放慢脚步,要学会什么都慢,说话动作要慢。我想这就是要我学会释放压力。学会在任何情况下,都能做到不紧不慢,做事不急,不给自...
初二作文缤纷多彩的90后谁说我们90后的青春夹杂着颓废和叛逆? 谁说我们90后只懂得狂妄自大? 谁说我们90后只知道生活在有巧克力的日子里? 谁说我们90后个个都娇生惯养? 我想说,嘿,我们是缤纷多彩的90后,充...
世界是我们的,未来是我们的英语演讲稿Hello everyone, what I talk today is We Are The World ,We Are The Future Someone said we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages...
世界环境日英语演讲稿World Environment Day is memorated each year on June 5th, and started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations General Assembly for raising global...
多彩消防兵一 欢庆“八一”真高兴 军民同欢齐上阵 我们献丑来助兴 请 二 消防兵嘛消防兵 军事技术练得精 为民全意又全心 NO.1 三 早上起床一小跑 全天精神都挺好 工作起来累不倒 高...
多彩校园快乐成长演讲稿多彩校园 快乐成长演讲稿尊敬的各位领导、老师,亲爱的同学们:大家,上午好!今天是杨村一中体育节闭幕暨艺术节开幕的日子。历时数月的体育节,让我们又一次见证了一中人的成长和拼...
震撼世界的演讲梦想英语演讲稿I don't know what that dream is that you have, I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you've been working toward that dream, but that dream that y...
多彩的暑假结尾酸甜苦辣尽在其中!生活不就是这样多姿多彩吗?我一边回味着难忘的暑假生活!一边收拾着自己的书包!准备回到新学期的学习中去了!真期待着下一个暑假生活的来临! 在整个暑假生活中,我...