
求一篇23分钟的小学英语演讲稿题目是:A gift to my parents

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[题目:我现在的大学生活求一篇英语演讲稿35分钟]the diversity of my university life Look! There is a rainbow! On the first day of my university life, when I walked into the campus, there was a rainbow bridgin...+阅读

Mom and Dad: Thank you for everything this holiday season! 爸爸妈妈:值此佳节,感谢您们所给予的一切。 I'll be home to enjoy this Christmas with you. 我将回家与你们共度佳节。 A present from me is on the way. Hope you'll like it. 寄上一份礼物,希望你们会喜欢。 I wish I were home for the holidays. 但愿我能回家共度佳节。 Thinking of you at New Year's time. 佳节,我想念你们。 Best wishes from Mark, Janet and the kids. 马克、珍妮特和孩子们,谨呈最诚挚的。 Warmest thoughts and best wishes from your daughter. 寄上无限的思念和最美好的祝愿,你们的女儿。 Season's etings from Xiao Li and Ming Ming. 献上小丽和明明的节日问候。 A holiday wish from your son Tom. 寄上佳节的,你们的儿子汤姆敬上。 May you have the best season ever. 愿你过个最愉快的节日。 A New year eting to cheer you from your daughter. 愿女儿的带给您欢乐。 Happy New year to the world's best parents! 祝世界上最好的父母节日快乐! Season's etings to my dearest parents! 祝我最亲爱的父母节日愉快!


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