
求英文演讲稿中学阶段的 200词左右

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[中学生安全英文演讲稿]Dear all, Life on earth are the most valuable things money can not buy, jewelry-for-not go back. Life only once, should not renewable and will not re-E. Student...+阅读

Dear pupils and teachers:

Good morning! I'm from Class *,Grade *.You can call me ***I'd like to talk about the ways to learn English first.

There is no easy and quick way to learn English.

Speak English as much as possible .Try your best. The best time to do that is in the morning and the evening. Don't be afraid of making mistakes.

Listen to English as much as possible. Listen to the teachers when they speak English. And listen to English on the recorder or on the television.English programmes about traveling on the Guangzhou English Channel are fun,I think.

If you do all these things with the help of your teachers, you will learn English very well.

I hope that everybody can improve their English in this way.That's all.Thanks

Goodbye and good luck to you!THANK YOU!


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