

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[端正态度注重细节的财政局演讲稿]文章标题:端正态度注重细节的财政局演讲稿 各位领导,同志们,大家好: 参加这次演讲比赛对我来说有点突然,因为说句老实话这两本书在此之前我也没来得及细看,接到任务后,我快速浏览一...+阅读

Everyone wants to be a great man, but it is very hard. Everyone wants to do great things, but it is anything but an easy task. A great achievement cannot be built in a day and is typically achieved by a series of single manageable steps. As a consequence, perfecting every detail will ultimately lead to an unimaginable accomplishment.

Ever since my childhood, I have always wanted to become a great English translator. I dreamed of translating Chinese classics into English, spreading the Chinese cultures to the rest of the world. However, I understood at the time that it would be a considerably long path to finally reach my destination. Alternatively, I broke the big thing into smaller pieces. To fulfill my goal, I first of all started to learn English grammar and improve my written English. I read several famous grammar books and took notes. Then I imitated useful sentence structures and used them in my composition. As last, I would ask my English teachers to help me with my writing. After two years of continuous efforts, I won a big prize in English writing competition in my city. I really felt proud of myself. My dream was still there, more reachable than ever.

Based on my experience, it is advisable that one should “dream big but do small”. Those who can do small things in a great way can eventually do big things.


注重细节爱岗奉献演讲稿文章标题:注重细节爱岗奉献演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的朋友们: 大家好! 细节是什么?细节是细小的环节或情节。细节是平凡的、是具体的、是零散的。细节很小,很容易被人们所忽视,...

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议论文注重细节议论文 注重细节 很多人也许会觉得细节并不重要,一件不起眼的小事是不会毁了大局的。但事实正好相反。例如一台巨大的机器,即便是一台镙丝松了,也可能会使整台机器报废。所以,我...

注重细节,促成功之路亲爱的朋友们: 大家好! 泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高,江海不择细流,故能成其深。麦当劳关注食品制作的每一个细节,取得巨大成功,巴林银行忽视了一个极为平常的细节,导致银行倒闭。可见,我...

励志演讲稿注重细节促成功之路亲爱的朋友们: 大家好! 泰山不拒细壤,故能成其高,江海不择细流,故能成其深。麦当劳关注食品制作的每一个细节,取得巨大成功,巴林银行忽视了一个极为平常的细节,导致银行倒闭。可见,我...



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