
求一篇以be myself为题的英语演讲稿

02月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇以生日为题的演讲稿]最好喝的酒也许不是最贵的那瓶,.因为买到酒.买不到心情;.最好的朋友也许不是联络最多的.,而是在特别的日子记得你的人!祝你生日快乐! 朋友,是你高兴时与你分享快乐;是你幸福时使幸...+阅读

求一篇以be myself为题的英语演讲稿



This is me.Some people hate me and some like me.But this doesn't matter.I am not money,and I certainly can not let everyone like me.I just want to be myself!


不如改成I am not perfect,and I certainly can not let everyonr like me.

英语演讲稿 Be Myself翻译一下下面的文字

The world already has too many people, if we do not bursting out with life, the unique nature of the world will be devoid of colorful away. Now, many people follow the stars, action, language and look the degree of realism proud of, but never thought that this is in fact buried its own unique life. Therefore, I do not want to parrot. Do what is the simplest thing, without racking their brains to polishing other people's point of view, do not fear the concerns of other people's comments. Put aside all the troubles, happily, happily for their own future struggling working hard. Not do other people in the eyes of their own hypocrisy, but to do his own eyes the real us. As Dante said, saying: go its own way, so people say go! I want to be free to own, doing their own forever.我是按照LZ的格式翻译的,你看看满意不。...

求英语演讲稿题目: to be myself

To be myselfThis is a big world. Being a person in the world is my glorious.We have to meet lots of options in the world, so we may lost ourselves.Sometimes we need some distructons to release the bad mood.No matter how,by myself is a very important thing.Our minds are made of two parts,one is the right decision and the other is the error decision. We own the ability to make a right decision.We must believe it,so by myself is very important. Everyone dreams of being successful, but if the hero never comes to you, if you need someone when you're feeling blue, if you're away from love and you are alone, if you call friends but nobody can you find. you can run away but you can't hide.If you through the strom you can find that being yourself is such an easy. thing.Finally, When the nights are getting cold and blue, When the days are getting hard for you, be confident in yourself !you can find that everything will become more and more beautiful!...


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