
求一篇关于 job and career的英语演讲搞 120字就好

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇演讲稿关于护士奉献]今天是你的节日-----白衣天使,在此特殊佳节之际谨用一首深情的诗歌来赞美和感谢你们------最可爱的人。 你们用对生命的爱 实践着南丁格尔的诺言 你们用温柔的话语 激励我们...+阅读

求一篇关于 job and career的英语演讲搞 120字就好

According to the huffington post, as the saying goes Do a line, loves a line, but really seem difficult to do this Statistics show, 20% to 40% of people in the workplace abhor myself work there are too many people engaged in a was not his hobby Even professional ran counter to his be fond of, or in order to feed their families, or for social acceptance, they are burdened with enormous pressure, making money at the same time lost the direction of life In order to avoid melting pot society, many students choose to continue to head for further study in an ivory tower; Some people for a stable, desperately to squeeze into the civil service; Still made some people rich and famous, a business that is growing at a bank card Numbers are hated myself think, behind the quiet down and ask ourselves, we live in this kind of aversion to work how harmful to our health

跪求关于team work的英文演讲稿!


(1)As is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述图画).

(2) The most striking feature is(图画重点信息).

(3)There is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed should be given deep consideration.

(1)As is symbolically revealed in the set of drawings, the fact that(重复上面的图画信息) profoundly indicates that team work is momentous (重要的) and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds.

(2)Undoubtedly, it is team work that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulty, that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for the coming success.

(3)If we don not cooperate sincerely, we will live a dull and depressing life and feel frustrated and humiliated or feel loss of hope about the future.

(4)As far as I am concerned, there are several advantages that can be given as below. To begin with, nothing is more beneficial than team work to overcome our defects and improve our efficiency.

(5)Secondly, no issue is as good as team work to make our life more colorful and energetic.

(6)No better illustration of this idea can be thought than the example mentioned below.

(7)A person who is assigned various jobs along the production lines will make a mess just because no one can be proficient in all the things.

(8)Only by cooperating with other people can you put your capacities into full play and can you be the winner in the society.

有关about volunteer work的英语演讲急!

I wanna talk about a new hobby of mine which is doing volunteer work for local charity. The charity is called the Lamma Animal Protection and it's based on Lamma Island - where I live. And it aims to help abandoned animals or animals in distress on Lamma Island and in other areas in Hong Kong.

The charity was started by an Irish woman who moved to Hong Kong several years ago and found that she was concerned about a lot of the animals that she saw in the local area. The Lamma Animal Protection charity does different activities to help the animals. They have an adoption programme and also a fostering programme for animals that have been abandoned. They have a programme of neutering and spaying stray animals - cats and dogs, and also abandoned animals. And they also have a programme of education which aims to educate the local community about proper animal care.

I decided to get involved with the charity because I love animals but unfortunately because I work long hours, I am not able to have a pet of my own. Initially, I offered my services in terms of walking the dogs, grooming the dogs, and spending time with the other animals that they have at the centre. They have cats as well and even rabbits, and even some reptiles. Since then, I have also been involved on adoption days where they take some of the puppies out and onto... into the village on Lamma Island and show them off to members of the public and try to encourage members of the public to adopt these animals. I've also been a part of the education programme. As part of the education programme, I also went to a local kindergarten where I gave a presentation for the K3 children about responsible animal care.

The charity itself doesn't receive any funding. It relies solely on donations and volunteers like myself so I am very happy to be involved. And I very much enjoy the work that I do with


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