

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[诚信演讲稿呼吁诚信]诚信演讲稿呼吁诚信 近年来,人们对诚信的呼吁越来越强烈,这也许并不是中国古人的诚信记录比现在好得多,而是现在人们的诚信意识在缓慢地苏醒。这恰如分蛋糕一样,早些时候,我们的...+阅读


风,一路无语。 风,是自由的,是清新的,是惬意的。 自然界有风,社会上也有风,在当今社会一个热门话题 ——诚信问题,广为流传,它是否能形成一种良好风尚,吹进,融入整个社会呢? 古语云:索物于暗室者,莫良于火;索道于当世者,莫良于诚。曾子杀猪为一“信”字,孔明接受“托孤”为一“诚”字;因有了“诚信”二字,刘邦的约法三章得 以千年传为美谈,百年的老店得以顾客盈门。 “诚信”一词在词典中的解释只有“诚实守信”这简简单单的四个字,但这四个字做起来却不简单,面对外界的诱惑,“诚信”是否依然屹立不倒?因此,在当今社 会,我们要树诚信之风,扬诚信之气。 社会上的诚信之风,吹过许多地方。它吹进了校园,吹进了市场,吹进了网络,但重要的是,它有没碃丁百股知噶版拴保茎有吹进每个人的心中。

翻开报纸,登入网络,“诚信”二字见得 不少,但是,现代文明的拥有,使得本已和累的人们更加模糊了诚信的影子,使得本已寂寞的影象隐藏于纸醉金迷的灯红酒绿中,抽象地尘封在政治课本的某个角落 里。一些逆诚信之风的现象也屡见不鲜,“高考泄题”、“网络诈骗”等社会不良现象,使诚信之风变得微弱了,因此,我们更要树诚信之风,使之风声罗耳,昌明 天下。 有这样一个小故事:如今已是新泽西州曼哈顿航运线的老板,兼卡车运输公阿瑟·因佩拉托雷,年轻时也曾打过许多零工,面对他今天的成就,他说:“想起自己在 糖果店学到的关于诚信的一课,它是我生意成功的关键。”阿瑟年少时曾在街角一家糖果店工作,一天,他在桌底下拾到15美分并把它交给老板。

老板用信任的眼 光看着他说,这是他故意放在那儿的。成就考验了阿瑟,也成就了阿瑟。 罗兰曾说:“人生的大海上,风高浪急,你须自恃扁舟,方能到达彼岸。”美貌、健康、才学、金钱、荣誉……生命的小舟上要装载的负荷实在太多了,不知失掉了 诚信的年轻人哪,能否驾驭生命之舟? 诚信是一轮金赤朗耀的圆月,惟有与高处的皎洁对视,才能沉淀出对待生命的真正态度;诚信是一枚凝重的砝码,放上它,生命摇摆不定,天平立即稳稳的倾向一 端;诚信是高山之巅的水,能够洗尽浮华,洗尽躁动,洗尽虚诈,留下启悟心灵的妙谛。 愿诚信之风,长兴不消。



Have one piece king because have child, want look for there aren't persons of honest child. He says to the children coming to should employ: "Give you one seed today, after the three month, see who can give me plant, produce the most beautiful flower, who is the prince. "Three pass by month, a clever one, or clever child hold one basin basin colored flower, participate in last competition. Only the empty, tearful eyes ripples ripples in a child's basin: "Dear king, I the diligent one is watered every day, the careful one applies fertilizer, even sleep, hold the flowerpot into arms, but, I but nothing plant come out ……"The king has heard and laughed heartily: "Honest prince,you can plant produce any flowers and plants,because give yours I, all fry the familiar seed! "


The Importance of Being Honest In the busy city of New York, such an astonishing thing that ever happened. On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. Though the music was great, people were quickly going home for the weekend. In this case, many of them slowed down their paces and put some money into the hat of the young man. The next day, the young artist came to the gate of the subway station, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. Different than the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground and put some stones on it. Then he adjusted the violin and began playing. It seemed more pleasant to listen to. Before long, the young violinist was surrounded with people, who were all attracted by the words on that paper. It said, "Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistaken. Please come to claim it soon." Seeing this, it caused a great excitement and people wondered what it could be. After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and rushed through the crowd to the violinist and grabbed his shoulders and said, "Yes, it's you. You did come here. I knew that you're an honest man and would certainly come here." The young violinist asked calmly, "Are you Mr. George Sang?" The man nodded. The violinist asked, "Did you lose something?""Lottery. It's lottery,"said the man.The violinist took out a lottery ticket on which George Sang's name was seen. "Is this it?" he asked.George nodded promptly and seized the lottery ticket and kissed it, then he danced with the violinist. The story turned out to be this: George Sang is an office clerk. He bought a lottery ticket issued by a bank a few days ago. The awards opened yesterday and he won a prize of $500,000. So he felt very happy after work and felt the music was so wonderful, that he took out 50 dollars and put in the hat. However the lottery ticket was also thrown in. The violinist was a student at an Arts College and had planned to attend advanced studies in Vienna. He had booked the ticket and would fly that morning. However when he was cleaning up he found the lottery ticket. Thinking that the owner would return to look for it, he cancelled the flight and came back to where he was given the lottery ticket. Later someone asked the violinist: "At that time you were in needed to pay the tuition fee and you had to play the violin in the subway station every day to make the money. Then why didn't you take the lottery ticket for yourself?" The violinist said, "Although I don't have much money, I live happily; but if I lose honesty I won't be happy forever." Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest should always be with us. If we bear ourselves in a deceptive and dishonest way, we may succeed temporarily. However, from the long-term view, we will be a loser. Such kind of people are just like the water on the mountain. It stands high above the masses at the beginning, but gradually it comes down inch by inch and loses the chance of going up.



教师诚信演讲诚信就是一轮明月文章标题:教师诚信演讲诚信就是一轮明月 诚信就是一轮明月 如果春天没有七彩的阳光,就不会有蝶儿的满山翻飞;如果人间没有诚信,那就是一个苍凉而荒芜的世界。诚信,如同一轮明月,曾...


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有关诚信做人考试的演讲稿老师们同学们,大家早上好: 我今天演讲的题目是:诚信做人,诚信考试 若把人生比作树,诚信就是其赖以生存的根,滋养和支撑着它。 若是失去这根,它就无以立足,它将腐朽堕落,失尽往日的青...

诚信与责任英语演讲范文诚信与责任,一些内容参考了:)~ It is true that most of us value honesty highly. However, nowadays we often confront confidence crisis such as cheating, overcharging,...
