

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我需要一篇关于动物的英语故事或短文大约可以演讲3分钟要幽]一只导盲狗Seeing-Eye Dog A blind man is walking down the street with his seeing-eye dog one day. They come to a busy intersection, and the dog, ignoring the hig...+阅读


Comparisons between Chinese and Western Culture China dates its civilization back to five thousand years ago. Through these centuries, Chinese people have developed as a hard-working, brave, warm-hearted and neutral nationality. While most of the western people built up their countries several hundred years ago, they are characterized by liberty, opening, enterprising and risk-taking. Some detailed comparisons between Chinese culture and western one will be discussed as follows. Wushu, known in the West as Kongfu, is a traditional folk sport. It's Chinese martial arts and is characteristic of various barehand and armed combat techniques. People practice it to build up body and protect themselves. Qigong and Taijiquan are also popular sports widely spread in China. On the other hand, the western are more interested in such sports as baseball, softball, tennis ball, golf, etc. Some need a team spirit, some need speed, and others need patience and luck. Chinese opera, Beijing Opera for instance, is a comprehensive performing art. It combines music, singing, dialogues, acrobatics and martial arts. You must be fascinated by peculiar costumes, colored facial painting and excellent fighting scenes. The performers must spend many years practicing to guarantee the proficiency. However, the western opera doesn't include much action and facial painting, most of the opera are music, singing, dialogues and the usual life performance, just telling the viewers what happen in a story. Chinese traditional medicine is based on the theory of Yin (negative) and Yang (positive). If the balance in a person between Yin and Yang is disturbed, he is sure to become ill. Observing, listening and smelling, inquiring and palpating are four diagnostic methods. The medicine is mainly made from herbs, animals and minerals that are directly collected from nature. It must be boiled with water before the sick person takes it. On the contrary, the western doctors use high-tech equipment to diagnose the exact ill parts, prescript troches which can be directly swallowed with warm water, and maybe give an injection if necessary. The celebration of Spring Festival, Chinese Lunar New Year, has a history of two thousand years. Before the day, people working in other places will go home for the reunion supper, "Tuanyuanfan". After the midnight, people set off firecrackers and fireworks, believing that they will drive away the evil spirit. During the holiday, people will visit their relatives and friends. Qingming, Dragon boat, Mid-Autumn festival are also Chinese popular festivals. On the other hand, in the West, Christmas Day is the most important festival. Before the day, they buy Christmas trees decorated with colored flash lamps, and spend the day with their family; the children will wait all night for Santa Claus to send them presents. Valentine's Day, Easter, April fool's Day, Thanks-giving Day are western popular festivals.


Keep your elbows off the table. You have also heard this one from your mother, ad infinitum, but in close dining situations it is a vital rule. Elbows take up table space and can be a danger in knocking plates or glasses. Elbows on the table give you something to lean on and tend to lull you into slouching. If you must lean on the table a good tactic is to take a roll or piece of bread into your free hand and rest part of your forearm on the table


西方人相对比较个人主义而东方人则更看重集体主义。在个人主义的社会中,人们重视自身的价值和需要,依靠个人的努力来为自己谋取利益,而在集体主义国家,人们把自己融入到一个或几个集体中,在这些集体中找到属于自己的位置,人们在精神上依赖于集体,因此,和谐在这些国家中显得尤为重要。在东西方文化中,还存在以下三个主要的文化差异,即不确定性规避、男性度与女性度以及长期取向与短期取向。 Westerners are relatively individualism and the children of the east are more value collectivism. In individualistic societies, people value their own values and needs, relying on individual efforts to seek interests for himself, in collectivism countries, people themselves into one or more collective, find their own place in the collective, rely on the collective people in spirit, therefore, harmony is very important in these countries. In eastern and western culture, but also has the following three main cultural differences, namely, uncertainty avoidance, male and female degrees and long-term orientation and short-term orientation.


向雷锋学习 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸土地?如果你是一线阳光,你是否照亮了一分黑暗?如果你是一颗粮食,你是否哺育了有用的生命?如果你是一颗最小的螺丝钉,你是否永远坚守着你生活的岗位…… 每一次想起雷锋,就想起这一段话。有多少人在回首往事的时候, 为自己碌碌无为而悔恨,为曾经虚度年华而悲哀。有多少人能像雷锋一样,永远的那么富有爱心,永远的那么真诚善良,永远像一颗小小的螺丝钉。今日的世界由于经济的高速发展表现出更为开阔的空间,然而,我们曾经火热的心灵却开始变得冷漠,有些本不该变的东西也在变:亲情冷了,同居一楼,邻里相见不相识;友谊馊了,与人方便与己方便,成了互相利用的通行证。曾经,我们几十年来所景仰、崇拜和学习的榜样已经被越来越多的人认为是傻子。

然而,无论时空如何变化,那些决定人类向前发展的基本要素没有变,那些人类任何时候都在追求的美好事物没有变。尽管在我们的身边,雷锋精神被越来越多的人们所淡忘,然而,在世界的更多地方,雷锋被不同肤色的人们所景仰,所学习。雷锋精神以超越时空的力量成为人类最宝贵的精神财富。 一个美国商人如此说道:雷锋精神是人类应该有的,应把雷锋精神弘扬到全世界。要学习雷锋对待事业的态度,学习雷锋刻苦学习的钉子精神,学习雷锋关心人、爱护人、支持人、理解人的品质。 一个日本企业家这样感叹:“雷锋仅20多岁就做了那么多的好事,成为伟大的英雄,对人类是有贡献的。学雷锋无国界之分,把雷锋精神引进我们公司,运用到生产实践中去,会改变员工的精神面貌,产生巨大的效果。

” 西方人和我们一样,给予雷锋最高的表彰:“雷锋精神与上帝共存。” 四十多年了,雷锋的名字曾经是激励我们几代人成长的路标,四十多年了,古老而年轻的中国正在蓬勃的发展,然而,雷锋的名字却随着我们生活的美好而渐渐远离了我们。有人置疑,有人嘲笑,有人批判,然而,无论我们经历多少变化和困惑,他的名字应该永远刻在我们的心头,他的精神应该是我们工作和生活中永远的指南。因为,一个人要获得成功与幸福,不能缺少雷锋精神,一个公司要想成功,不能缺少雷锋式的好员工。 无论我们从事什么工作,都不能缺少雷锋精神。再平凡的岗位都可以做出不平凡的贡献,只要你的人生观是正确的,你的工作就会有不尽的原动力。取得成功最重要的不是我们的能力大小,而是一个人的道德品质。

任何时候,雷锋身上助人为乐、爱岗敬业、积极进取、勤俭节约的品质都是我们不断学习的要素。雷锋精神是不受时空限定的,无论现代科技怎样发达,无论人们的生存方式怎样改变,雷锋对世界和他人真诚的爱心永远是人间渴求的那种温暖,像阳光一样成为人类永恒的需要。 在工作上,我们需要雷锋精神,我们应该像雷锋那样爱岗敬业、刻苦钻研、勤俭节约,把工作当成自己的职责,做一个有利于公司,有利于团队的人。只有这样,公司才能得到发展,我们自己的能力才能得以更大的发挥。 在生活中,我们需要雷锋精神,只有我们自己发扬助人为乐的精神,与人为善,我们才能得到别人的帮助和尊敬,才能在互动的真诚中感到真正的快乐。一个时刻只看到自己利益的人是很难体会到生活中的快乐的,真正的快乐只有一种,那就是为他人而付出,这样做你将获得生命最高的荣誉。

一个公司要发展,也不能缺少雷锋精神。今天,一切的成功都必须通过合作来实现,如果我们没有为他人服务的思想,没有助人为乐的精神,只看到自己的利益,是难以获得成功的。一个企业,如果所有的员工都只做自己分内的事情,不团结互助,这样的企业是没有竞争力的。所有的企业都在努力寻找雷锋式的员工,因为这样的员工不仅会把自己分内的事情做的最好,还会额外做许多。他们面对任何困难都不会寻找借口,而会自动自发、尽职尽责的完成任务。通常,企业的领导会给这样的人委以重任。如果你想在公司里获得成功,就必须成为这样的人。 同样,一个国家,一个政府,任何时候都不能缺少雷锋精神。只有发扬雷锋全心全意为人民服务的精神,政府才能真正赢得民心。

几乎整个人类文明的发展都依赖于这种人的努力,他们时刻想的不是自己的利益,而是所有民众的利益。每一个国家都在寻找自己的“雷锋”,每一支军队都在寻找自己的“雷锋”。雷锋精神所能影响的远不止一个人,一个企业,一个国家。今日,雷锋精神已经成为全人类努力学习和实践的精神,每一个民族和国家都在寻找和培养更多的雷锋,因为我们整个人类文明的发展都将因为有更多这样的人而变的更加美好。 今日的中国是一个大谈变化和西方商业精神的时代,从“奶酪”到“致加西亚的信”的流行,西方的商业文化对我们经济的影响似乎已经超过了传统的儒家文化。在很多人谈到一个叫“罗文”的士兵如何敬业、服从、努力把信送给加西亚的时候,在人们费劲心计号召员工努力学习“罗文”精神的时候,大多数的人似乎忘记了我们身边一个更好的榜样,这是“雷锋”的悲哀,更是我们的悲哀。



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