

03月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[跪求英文演讲稿 1分半的]my favorite movie May i have your attention,ladies and gentlemen,my topic is my favorite movie,the persuit of happiness is my favorite,it is about how a middle-...+阅读


老师们,同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是:学会感恩。 感恩,其实是无处不在的。我站在这里的理由是什么?就是感恩。感谢老师同学的支持爱戴,感谢学校给予的机会,感谢母亲的培养,感谢我自己的付出。因为感谢着这些,我今天便站在这里了。 宗教是最崇尚感恩的。他们感谢天神,感谢主。当然,我们感谢的,远比他们要多很多。 感谢父母,他们给予你生命,抚养你成人;感谢老师,他们教给你知识,引领你做“大写的人”;感谢朋友,他们让你感受到世界的温暖;感谢对手,他们令你不断进取、努力。 感谢太阳,它让你获得温暖;感谢江河,它让你拥有清水;感谢大地,它让你有生存空间。 感恩,是一种心态,一种品质,一种艺术。 感恩是乐观。感谢困难,感谢挫折,不是乐观么?感谢对手,感谢敌人,不是乐观么?对于我们不甚喜欢的一些人和事物,尽量想到它的正面,想到它对我们的利处,从而去感谢它,不是乐观么?所以,感恩,是一种乐观的心态。

感恩是礼貌。有人帮助了我们,我们随口说声“谢谢”,可能会给对方心里带来一股暖流。有人为我们付出了许多,我们感谢他,他可能会更加多的帮我们。怀着感恩的心,是有礼貌,是知恩图报。所以,感恩,是一种有礼貌的品质。 感恩是画笔。学会感恩,生活将变得无比精彩。感恩描绘着生活,将生活中大块的写意,挥洒得酣畅淋漓;将生活中清淡的山水,点缀得清秀飘逸;将生活中细致的工笔,描绘得细腻精美。所以,感恩,是一种多样的艺术。 常说:“三有三为。” 心中有祖国,为祖国做件事。不是为了回报、感谢伟大的祖国么? 心中有集体,为集体做件事,不是为了回报、感谢温暖的集体么? 心中有他人,为他人做件事。不是为了回报、感谢生活中的每个人么? 有人说,忘记感恩是人的天性。

当我们偶然来到这个世界上,什么都还没来得及做的时候,我们就已经开始享受前人带给我们物质和精神上的一切成果了。这就提醒着我们每一个人,要怀有一颗感恩的心。 常怀感恩之心,我们便会更加感激和怀想那些有恩于我们却不言回报的每一个人。正是因为他们的存在,我们才有了今天的幸福和喜悦。常怀感恩之心,便会以给予别人更多的帮助和鼓励为最大的快乐,便能对落难或者绝处求生的人们爱心融融地伸出援助之手,而且不求回报。常怀感恩之心,对别人对环境就会少一分挑剔,而多一分欣赏。 “感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有勇气做我自己;感恩的心,感谢命运,花开花落,我一样会珍惜……”学会珍惜你的幸福,学会感谢你身边的一切,因为珍惜才会拥有,感恩才能天长地久…… 感恩,是我们生活中永恒的话题。



尊敬的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 相信你们一定对我不陌生吧!因为学校的各种活动中经常会出现我的身影,我就是来自X年级X班的XXX,一个多才多艺、活泼开朗的XX.这次我要竞选的职位是XX. 今天,我感谢我的老师让我走上这竞选大队委员的讲台,因为我的实力得到了老师和同学们的肯定。我也相信自己是非常合适的人选,因为:我有很强的责任心和使命感,珍惜集体每一分荣誉,愿意为大家服务。我能团结同学,尊敬师长,刻苦学习,努力使自己做一个德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,综合能力强,对社会有用的复合性人才,立志为祖国建设服务。在老师的教导下,在同学们的帮助支持下,我已当了一年的XX,为个人、为班级、为学校取得了一些成绩,从中也积累了一些经验。


求一篇关于time is money的演讲稿一分半就行简单点急急急!

Hello ,everyone: I am XXX, It is my honor to share my speech with all of you here.today the theme of my speech is time is money ,we should learn to abandon and get in the life. From my point of view ,with the development of the modern society,time becomes more and more important for us,Only by taking advantage of time can we achieve our goals and enjoy our life happily. I always think there is not enough time. For example, I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back, I feel that it's just like only one day. Do you have the similar experience? Yeah,there goes a proverb, “Time is money”。 Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return. A businessman once said:A second is able to let me lose lots of money. A player said:A second can make me be a loser of race.Thus,you can imagine how valuable time is.So here we can say time can bring great changes. Although time for people is limited,man can do unlimited things within limited time.For instance,I think you must know such a famous person --Edison.It is reported that he had more than two thousand inventions in total in his whole life.The reason why he could succeed is that he made the most of his time to do many useful things he wanted to ,and he could Chinese writer, used up his life to leave us six million words to make us get spiritual wealth. He said :I am not a gift. I just work all the way .In a word ,time for the two famous persons is more life than money. So friends, as far as Iam concerned, life is short, for you,for me, for everybody.Therefore,why not value every minute you own.Time is precious;time is money ,but money can not get back time.Do not waste time anymore. Do not leave what can be done today until tomorrow.Try to be confident and try to make your life more wonderful and meaningful.Try to seize every minute to make ourselves live a colorful life. That's all!Thank you for your listening


Venezuela is located in South America, "Hunter School" is the world's installment of a special forces training center U.S., Britain, France, Italy and other countries have sent people to special forces training. "Hunter School" at its most famous "Devil's training." Under real combat conditions to the selection of selecting "Hunter Schools," the first "classic dishes." It requires countries to participate in selecting the participants in 15 days, more than 20 must be completed under actual battle conditions and dangerous course. Creeping in advance, flying bullets in the head, but there were no officers were selected to the protection, will depart from the direction of mine. It is the selection environment conditions, simulating real combat as cruel ways, the rate of elimination of spinach. For this reason, some members of hyperinflation with regret, the team even paid with their lives, unfortunately. Moreover, in the selection process, each team only a short break for 2-3 hours a day. barely afford to eat only one meal a day, the maximum level team to participate in this test. However, if no one is difficult to bear, as long as the mouths say "I'm done" or "I have to quit", then selecting instructors will be terminated immediately. Gas explosion sounded the clarion call to get up, "Hunter schools" get up orders is not as imagined by the people to call. sound as a symbol, but a gas explosion as the sound signal. Just come, "Hunter schools" States special forces did not know what had happened, but with the gas attack. They even had no time to dress out on the hostel, what awaits them is the collective voice examiners. This examiner explained that the reason for using the gas explosion was heard as orders to get up, forcing them to increase the speed to get up, temper their rapid response capability.这是说明美国猎人学校


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