

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇关于篮球的英语演讲]Basketball is a team sport involving two teams, each team played five players. Purpose of scoring the ball into the other basket, and prevent access to the ball...+阅读


Steve Jobs (1955-2011), inventor, entrepreneur, Apple co-founder and former Chief Executive Officer.Jobs and friends set up the Apple computer company in 1976, he accompanied the decades of ups and downs with the revival of Apple, has led and launched the Macintosh computer, the iMac, the iPod, iPhone and other electronic products swept the world millions of people, a profoundchanged the way of modern communication, entertainment and even life. October 5, 2011, he died of illness at the age of 56 years. Steve Jobs is to change the world genius, with his acumen and extraordinary wisdom, courage to change and innovation, leading the trend of the global information technology and electronic products, computers and electronic products has become simple and civilians, so that used to be expensive and rare electronic products become part of modern life.

Jobs are considered to be the iconic figure of the computer industry and the entertainment industry, while he regarded as the founder of the Macintosh computer, iPod, iTunes, the iPad, iPhone and other well-known digital product, these swept hundreds of millions of people around the world of electronic products, has profoundly changed the way of modern communication, entertainment and even life.

Steve Jobs is to change the world of genius, with his acumen and extraordinary wisdom, courage to change and innovation, leading the trend of the global information technology and electronic products, computers and electronic products continue to become simple, civilians, so that was once expensive and rare electronic products become part of modern life.


Steve Jobs is the CEO of Apple Computer,his death shocked the world, and brings people endless sorrow and regret.

On the Stanford University ceremony,his speech mainly tells three stories.This stories are all very meaningful. The first story is a bit of the past life of series. when he was in the university,he was dying to drop out , at the begening, he was also worried, but later fact proved he had made a good decesion. Since then ,he gotrid of the course which he disliked and he had the time and energy to find his life's IT business, So we don't seem to be sad for something of the past . we should be brave to go forward, believes our faith and pursuit; The second story is about love and loss.He was forced to leave his founded company,and this thing made him very discouraged, but because of IT's love, he didn't give up, he restared and later succed. He said" Only you love, you can create better value" ,"You 've got to find what You love"; "Keep looking until you find it. Don 't settle";The last story is about death. He warned his life every day as if it was the last day.Only do like this,you can have a life of your own. Maybe he had experienced a cancer,which causes him to have a deep understanding of life.So he thought we everyone should Cherish the time and make everyday meangingful.

Jop's speech inspried me deeply.As a student,i think we should learn how to be succssful.Let us remeber the motto gaved by Jop:Stay Hunary Stay Foolish!


Steve Jobs a tour of the great practice of the heart, he used the perfect interpretation of the life energy to the heart-day tour of the essence - the pursuit of freedom to meet the needs of the people! He used wisdom, science and technology, and a lifetime of effort to create the apple, so that people jumped on the free use of technology a big step. And he has done the basic idea has always been based on his "life is not already naked, no reason not to listen to the call of the heart."乔布斯一位心游的伟大实践者,他用毕生的精力完美诠释了心天游的精髓——满足人心追求自由的需要!他用智慧、科技以及一生的心血创造了苹果,使人们在使用科技的自由上跃升了一大步。而他的所作所为基本基于他一贯的思想“人生不带来,死不带去,没理由不听从内心的召唤。”


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