

03月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学英语四百词演讲稿]Good morning, my fellow students. I am very glad to give you a speech about stress. Psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem o...+阅读





December 21 2012.Fire pours down from the sky, ocean bumps and swallows the land, earthquake rips ground into parts.

People who believe the dooms say the December 21 2012 is the end of the world. They can expect billions of people to die, it is going to be the most terrible on our plant, Mother Nature is going to be a scary executioner to kill everything, this is when and how the world will end.

If you believe in the predictions, so our plant has a great bull eye on it and any number of darts are going to hit us around year 2012, but the question is: is any of that going to happen?

What are 2012's most plausible planetary disasters? And is the end of life on earth looking just right around the corner?

On Friday, December 21, 2012, the sun will rise as usual, but on this day, it will align itself just between the earth and the center of our galaxy. And the end of the world is coming.

There are people who believe that some huge changes will befall the earth or humanity, that the god will press a great button of 'off' in the sky, by the end of the day, the world will be blanketed in ash, once busy city streets will churn with rivers of lava, massive earthquakes will have bought tall cities crashing to the ground, and enormous oceans waves will be rushing in to wash us away. It is just one version of an apocalypse that expect to see in our lifetimes,





亲爱的同学,敬爱的老师,大家好!今天我演讲的题目是“不忘国耻,振兴中华”! 大家都知道,我们中国曾经有一段屈辱的历史。外国侵略者在中国的土地上横行霸道、肆意妄为,犯下了不可磨灭的滔天罪行。南京大屠杀,拖着沉重的步伐经过了70年。我们又怎能忘却,70年前的那一天,可恶的日本人,在中国烧杀抢掠。三十五万无辜的南京老百姓们,在短短一周内,成为了疯狂的刺刀下的牺牲品,他们没有任何反抗的能力,任凭侵略者在他们身上残暴地发泄着。圆明园,一个当代世界上最大的博物馆、艺术馆就这样被英法联军洗劫一空,又被一把大火烧毁,付之一炬。那其中凝聚着我们中华儿女多少的心血与智慧啊。那些狰狞的表情,猖狂的笑容,无一不揭示着他们那没有人性的躯壳! 1945年8月15日,日本帝国主义被迫无条件投降,中国人民经过8年浴血奋战,洗涮了一百年来被挨打的耻辱,取得了抗日战争的伟大胜利,挽回了我们中华儿女的民族尊严,中华民族由一个背负着帝国主义与封建势力重压,被称为“东亚病夫”的民族,成为傲然屹立于世界东方,令世人瞩目的民族。

乱翻的乌云扫清了,祖国迎来了一个黎明。 今年是抗日战争胜利70周年,望着每天与朝霞一道升起的五星红旗,谁又能忘记在70年前,为了打倒日本法西斯,中国所做出的巨大民族牺牲呢?为了祖国领土完事,为了民族的尊严,战士们前仆后继,抛头颅、洒热血。他们用鲜血换来了今天的和平,我们怎能可以忘记呢? 今天,我们生活在和平安定的社会中,但我们不能忘记以前落后就要挨打的局面,忘记了国耻。古人云:“生于忧患,死于安乐。”我们青少年只有将国耻铭记在心中,以此为动力,奋发图强,学习更加精益求精,不怕吃苦,肯下苦功夫,报着“为中华之掘起而读书”的信念,德智体美劳全面发展,才能担负起建设祖国的重任。中国人的苦难与抗争,求索与奋进,创业与搏击,无不可歌可泣,激励今人,昭告后世,前事不忘,后事之师。

对民族精神的深刻理解与弘扬,对先辈业绩的追思与兴大,必将为中国的社会主义现代化建设流入强大的动力。 我们是21世纪的接班人,我们会经受一次又一次的锻炼,迈开沉着而坚定的步伐,向光辉的未来继续前进。最后,让我们高呼“不忘国耻,振兴中华”!...


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