

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇关于篮球的英语演讲]Basketball is a team sport involving two teams, each team played five players. Purpose of scoring the ball into the other basket, and prevent access to the ball...+阅读

急求一篇关于交通的英文演讲200 300字

The Traffic Restriction We all know that a traffic restriction was implemented during the Olympic Games. Under the restriction, cars with number plates ending in an even number were permitted to drive only on even-numbered dates, and an odd number were permitted to drive only on odd-numbered dates.From Aug. 1st to 18th, Beijing reported grade I air quality in nine days, and in the other nine days, the air quality was grade II. Grade I is the best air quality level.This was the best average summer API recorded for the last 10 years. Aug. 2006 saw only five days of excellent air quality and last August had only two such days.After the Olympic Games, more than 60 percents of Beijing residents consent to keeping up the restriction, according to the investigation of Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau. But according to the investigation of bitauto.com, only 36.3 percents of private car owners consent to keeping up the restriction. The traffic restriction had brought us smooth traffic. During the Olympics and Paralympics, nearly 2 million cars had been taken off the roads. according to the Beijing Municipal Committee of Communications. This picture shows the difference on the forth ring road from during the traffic restriction from before the traffic restriction The new traffic restriction.A new traffic restriction was taken effect in Beijing on Oct. 11. Last week was the first week of the new traffic restriction. Almost 800,000 cars had been taken off the road everyday.Cars whose number plates end with 1 or 6 will be taken off roads on Monday, while those ending with 2 or 7 will be banned on Tuesday, 3 or 8 on Wednesday, 4 or 9 on Thursday and 5 or 0 on Friday. The ban does not apply on weekends.he ban will be applicable within the Fifth Ring Road inclusive, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. for private cars and round the clock for government and corporate vehicles.


文明礼仪广播稿:校园文明,从我做起 人们常说 “ 言为心声,行为心表 ” 。讲文明,懂礼仪是尊重对方的 一种表现,更是展现自身修养和素质 , 树立 “ 自我 ” 形象的重要手段。 讲礼仪的结果是推崇自己,尊重自我。学校利用广播,板报宣讲 礼仪规范,希望同学们从我做起,人人讲文明、懂礼貌,在校园中形 成了 “ 讲礼仪光荣,讲文明被人尊重, ” 的氛围。 校园文明的创造靠我们每一个人,从小养成好习惯会使人受益终 生。让我们试问自己在学校的学习、活动中你做得怎样呢? 见到老师, 你主动问好了吗?为了我们健康成长, 老师们辛勤地 工作着。尊敬老师,就让我们从声亲切的问候做起吧。 你在楼道追跑、喧哗吗?安静的教学楼,是我们学习的地方。高 素质的学生,轻轻走路靠右行。

我们要用文明的行为,为他人创造方 便。 你随地乱扔垃圾吗?不分场合地点随地乱扔垃圾,这几乎已经成 了社会的通病和顽疾。爱护环境、讲究卫生,人人有责,我们应从爱 护校园环境做起,从我们自身做起,从小事做起,共同创造我们美好 的家园。


交通安全是很重要的。几乎每一天,都会发生一起交通事故,小的是轻伤,大的是多人伤亡,每当想到这里,我就十分紧张,真害怕第二天遇到车祸的就是我。 其实,交通事故也未必都是行人造成。有的是因为司机野蛮造成的,比如说前一阵《齐鲁晚报》上刊登的“宝马撞人案”,“宝马”的主人实在是野蛮,人家不注意把葱挂在你的车头镜上,又不是故意的,再说也没有人员受伤,并向你赔礼道歉了,你干吗杀人灭口?就算人家弄得有人伤亡,也不该报复,应该让法律来处理才对。 有的是因为司机酒后驾车,因神志不清导致交通事故,在此提醒广大的司机叔叔阿姨们,希望您少喝酒,酒后一定不要逞能,要坐公交车或出租车回家,避免交通事故给您带来麻烦。 还有的交通事故确实是行人造成的,主要是行人不注意交通安全所造成的。

有的是闯红灯或横穿马路造成的,前人发明红绿灯是有原因的,不要怕麻烦,有句话说的好“红灯无数次,生命只一次”,红灯会闪烁无数次的,而生命只有一次,用完了就没有下一次了,在红灯没有灭的时候,我们绝对不可以冒险过马路,哪怕两边没有车,也绝对不能穿过马路。有的是在马路上打闹、玩耍造成的,放学后几个同学在一起走,说说笑笑,时而甩掉别人的帽子,扔到马路对面,那个同学便到马路对面去拣,由于着急,也顾不上环视四周的车辆就跑,如果这个同学有福气,那还好;可如果正好有一辆车经过,那后果可不堪设想。因此,同学们千万不要在马路上打闹,这样太危险。 也有的是行人翻越护栏造成的,请大家不怕麻烦绕过护栏吧! 同学们,读了刚才我讲述的这些,你们一定心中有数吧!让交通安全伴你行。


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