

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一份幼儿园英文教案详细]英文活动圣诞快乐 目标: 1、在生活和游戏情景中初步体验集体圣诞节的欢乐气氛。 2、大胆开口说英文单词(Christmas cap lamp等)和简单的句型(I want ***)。 3、能积极想象与大胆...+阅读

求一份英语演讲稿给幼儿园小孩讲的 2分钟左右的

(The Wind And The Sun) One day the wind said, “Look at the man walking along the road. I can take off his cloak quicker than you .” “We will be waitting to see that,” said the sun. “you can try first.” The wind began to blow the man in order to take off his cloak, but the man just pulled his cloak closer around himself. Finally the wind said,“I give up,I failed.” Then the sun shone as strong as he can.At last the man felt hot and took off his cloak. -.-把分给我就行了


不错了: The society is a big family, our each people all are member. Theunity, the cooperation, the friendly affection are the life essentialmoral character, only has has this kind of outstanding quality, we canthe organic synthesis, take on construct the motherland the heavyresponsibility, the society can harmoniously develop. The schoolmates, let our more than 1 show loving concern, the few somedisputes, more than 1 true feelings, the few some contradictions, letin the life not the harmonious note entirely vanish, let us use theunity cooperation to play the wonderful symphony! Let our society, ourcampus fills the harmony, lets our each schoolmate grow healthy andstrong in the harmonious environment. Let everybody in this warm big family the joyful hug, lets us feel thehuman nature good exchanging, the frequent dear ones intercourse letsus not be excited already. This kind of sensation often in mine heartstatic flow... ... As the new generation of elementary student, we should altogetherconstruct harmonious social in the appeal in the big environment,diligently learns the scientific knowledge at the same time, unitesthe friendly affection with the national schoolmates, mutually helpsthe cooperation, lets flower of the national spread over a wide areamotherland each quoin. 谢谢


大家好! 我今天演讲的题目是《文明礼仪在校园》。礼仪是无处不在的,它可以表现出一个人的道德修养,它可以增进人与人之间的友谊,它的作用太多太多了。在这阳春三月,春意浓浓、生机勃勃,意味着我们该有一个崭新面貌。那么怎样才能使小学生礼仪洋溢在美丽的校园里呢? 我们小学生要着装得体,符合学生身份,体现出新世纪学生篷勃向上的风采,因为仪表、仪容、仪态可以让人一看便知道你的修养。 升旗仪式,最为庄严。这凝聚了文明与热血的国旗,在礼仪的包围中更显得鲜艳。此时此刻,国旗下的我们要严肃认真、精神饱满、高唱国歌,不负于“礼仪之邦”这个美誉。 课堂礼仪对老师的教学影响很大,它直接关系着一个班的荣誉与凝聚力,体现这个班的班风班貌。

校园礼仪就更重要了,下课后的休息时间,不随地吐痰、乱扔纸屑、不拿粉笔头玩、上下楼梯一律右行、见老师和客人要用普通话主动问好。我们还应该爱护花草树木和一切设施,不穿越绿化带,爱护清洁卫生,服从老师管理和接受值周学生的批评劝阻。受到老师的帮助,应主动诚恳地说谢谢。 同学之间也离不开礼仪,它就像润滑油,使粗糙的···









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